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Saturday, May 21, 2011

funny google street view sightings

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 29, 07:41 PM
    Wow some people here are incredibly close minded. Nothing comes good out of being dedicated to one brand, nothing. You don't get any perks from the company, you lose out on possible better competitor products, you lose money, you lose out on knowledge of other products, etc.

    Apple's primary profits come from hardware not the music store.

    I hate how slow Apple's servers on iTunes have been for the last couple years, definitely gonna have a look into amazon's store.

    But this is how the true Apple believer thinks. If Apple doesn't make it, you don't need it. If anyone else makes it, it's junk. All that matters is that Apple makes huge sums of money so we can brag about it here. We want to pay a high price so Apple can continue to produce products that we want to buy and we don't want any competition. All we care about it what Steve says.

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  • TheDrift-
    Apr 9, 10:43 AM
    A lovely day in Lincolnshire, C & C Welcome

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5301/5603743528_9b6abcc6e0_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/52607317@N04/5603743528/)

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  • gwangung
    Oct 18, 05:28 PM
    Well, first of all, when I say iPod, I am including all things music/movies, iTV, etc. To put it very simply, I wish Apple would use more of the innovative spirit that is going into their "entertainment" branch and put it back into their computers.

    The computers that are just finishing a CPU conversion, but are still rated as being good buys by non-Mac publications?

    Perspective, my young padawan, perspective....

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  • AcesHigh87
    Apr 27, 11:49 AM
    He was, though isn't anymore.

    Yeah, I started reading through the pages and saw that. I was just getting a vibe he wasn't based off the way he was acting but, thankfully, he isn't anymore because it was downright despicable.

    Then again, some of the comments on here are no better. Blaming the victim for something she had no control over. The victim isn't in the wrong here. The attackers and, to a point, the employees are.

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  • aafuss1
    Aug 16, 04:19 AM
    FireFox already lets you drag tabs around-why not Safari?

    And with phishing-a phishing filterl, like in IE7 would be good to have for .Mac users in Safari.

    Mail already has a phishing filter you will see a pop-up that shows you the actual URL that you will be taken to.

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  • iDutchman
    Oct 21, 07:14 AM
    Here in the Netherlands we have Sinterklaas, he comes to us first by steamship, and then on a white horse. It is that important that the TV shows him arriving direct, plus tens of thousands are on the quayside.
    Gifts are given on the 5th December

    Yeah. Every child grows up with Sinterklaas. You can see it as Santa, only this one comes from Spain by boat.(according to the old tradition:D). Most children stop believing in the real existence of Sinterklaas at the age of 9 or 10. But it's always a lot of fun, though. :cool:
    Sinterklaas comes with a lot of special candy as well. Pepernoten (literally translated it means Peppernuts) and chocolate letters.

    Oh, I almost forgot. ontopic:

    I really do wish to get my SSD inside my iMac 27" mid-2010 model. That's the only thing. I don't really dare to do it myself, so I still need to find a way.

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  • ender78
    Oct 18, 05:13 PM
    I'm thinking the same thing. Can anyone find the appropriate quote from, say, last year's MWSF? I know i've been waiting since then for the exciting new products he promised: intel conversions don't count, nor do new casings and better batteries for iPods. The MacBook counts as a new product and the sales achieved by it could put it into the exciting category. iTV may fit but it's not coming out til next year. So what did Steve promise for 06? And what fits that bill?

    We'll lets see, we're looking at significant performance upgrades for the same $$$ as well as a successful transition [lets give Apple credit where credit it due]. Apple may have added about a million new Mac users this quarter [that is a significant number]. I have friends who would NEVER has considered Macs in the past coming to me for advice on their next purchase.

    The iTV, and especially the iPhone could be breakout products. I am anxiously anticipating both.

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  • fly75
    Jan 30, 03:05 PM
    Liberal banter = common sense and simple logic for the intelligent.... Too many people are so caught up in their lives that they forget the trauma of the past. History repeats itself and the market is like a roller coaster... remember the 1980's? Or even worse the 1930's.... Tech Stock is not going to hold. I am betting on Gold to hit at least 1500.00 in the next coming months and then upwards to the 2000.00 range.

    I remember the Hunt brothers being pretty bullish on silver in the 80's.

    Only cost them a few billion:eek:

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  • reckless2k2
    Apr 25, 11:26 AM
    I just bought one Friday. I guess I'm returning it.

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  • Surely
    Jan 27, 05:40 PM
    To add to my post-workout recovery drink:


    My post-workout recovery drink:

    After researching, I discovered that chocolate milk has the same carb to protein ratio that expensive recovery drink mixes have (such as the P90X Recovery Drink). So, instead of spending around $60/month, I've elected to go with the chocolate milk, and to add a few supplements that are important for muscle recovery (which are found in those expensive drinks). Any excuse to drink chocolate milk is a good one.


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  • lordonuthin
    Oct 20, 09:57 PM
    also, you need to have a passkey and completed 10 WUs with your passkey before you'll get a bigadv unit

    I got a passkey a couple of weeks ago and have it on all of the machines now. The mp has run through quite a few wu with the passkey by now.

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  • louis Fashion
    Apr 22, 10:32 AM
    4G is not here yet. Wait for it.

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  • macman312
    Apr 12, 07:11 PM
    While this is possible I don't think it will be true. Firstly Apple is one to keep to traditions and ever since 2007 the release/announcement a new iphone in june/july and a new ipod range in september. So apple please keep to your traditions of ANNOUNCING a new iphone you don't have to release it till JUly/september but just so the teleco companies can prepare and get a list of people who would like one please announce it at the WWDC :apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::apple::D:D:D:D:cool::cool::D:D:apple::apple :

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  • res1233
    Apr 23, 01:13 AM
    What do you don't seem to understand is that every individual person does not care what most people need/want. I want to be able to buy the phone I need. If you go with what "most people" need it would be a dumb phone then (with great battery life BTW)

    Then leave these forums. Clearly apple-related news is not for you. Clearly you want a phone that apple does not provide. Why are you even here? The truth is, nobody is stopping you from buying that android with 4 hours of battery life if it is more suited to your tastes. You are not entitled in any way to force Apple to make a device that suits your needs. Go buy the Thunderbolt. Enjoy it.

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  • sikkinixx
    Jul 11, 03:16 PM
    if MS makes it cheaper than an iPod then Apple might have some trouble. Parents/grandparents who are technologically ignorant will generally buy whatever Bestbuy salesman pimps to them for their kid. So if it is cheaper than an iPod with similar functions then a lot will be bought.

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 13, 02:18 PM
    Will there be a Matte option? :D

    Will it come in white?

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  • SPUY767
    Jul 25, 05:27 AM
    This says one thing. Apple is continuing to innovate, and that makes me smile. I would imagine that Apple is also a bit wary of carrion fowl such as creative who would swoop down on a market conquered by Apple, and demand a pittance because their own product was a failure.

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  • WeegieMac
    Apr 14, 02:32 PM
    I just updated mine and there is a noticeable difference in speed with this update. It is much faster in opening applications and text messages.

    I'm noticing a little quicker general UI navigation, but the third party apps still don't show their launch animation unless opened first, exited, and then launched again. Only once loaded into the memory can you go from app to home screen to app and see the full animation.

    Yet, oddly, Apple's stock apps are entirely unaffected.

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  • Agurri
    Jul 25, 10:05 AM
    one battery? how does that work?

    Heck I don't know ...

    Jun 8, 06:07 PM
    Lucky for any kids in your general neighborhood too.


    May 1, 10:47 PM
    Obama's speech was awesome

    I agree.

    It's a good feeling that Osama is dead. It's not the end of al Qaeda, but it's the end of the first chapter of this ten year old war.

    Jul 26, 01:20 PM
    Has anybody thought these might all just be preventative filings?

    Apple is smart to file a patent on something that might be "similar" to technology they have developed just to maintain their exclusivity of the technology.

    Apple might be filing this just so they can say, haha, Microsoft, you can't produce this because we invented it first....and then Apple moves on to the next big thing without ever producing a product based on the patent.

    As far as the trademark stuff goes, it is the same logic. Apple needs to protect as many derivations of the "*Pod" mark in order to make their Pod trademarks even stronger. Apple will probably never produce something with the "doPod" trademark, but any other company thinking about naming their product the "doPod" will think twice before getting into a legal battle with Apple, who has one of the most recognized digital entertainment trademarks in the world.

    You can show me Patent and Trademark filings all day long and I will simply reply with a "prove it"

    May 3, 07:57 AM
    Awesome! But how do I get it????
    Don't say go to the apple store, just did that
    Check the link

    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 24, 07:39 PM
    And rape victims deserved it because they wore miniskirts too.

    Being drunk in a 'bad part of town' and flashing whatever is one thing. But that's no excuse, reason, or justification for you being attacked as a result.

    Being a transgender, drunk, and in a rich country club isn't going to be very bright either.

    Just being transgender is more than enough.

    Especially with bigger issues in this world and people would rather prod each other out of a perceived sense of sensibility or lack thereof. Indeed, in the ideal environment, everybody would flash cash and could do so in absolute safety. I think they're currently called "gated communities". I wonder why.

    While no one deserving to be rape or rob no matter what they are doing/ wearing and the person who did said things should be punished to the full extent of the law it does not remove a factor that some people do a very poor job and managing their risk profil.

    We can not control how others will act but we can control our risk profile and our behavior.
    Examples of managing our risk profile is saying out of bad parts of town if possible and avoid it at night. Girls avoiding wearing clothing that gets them to be a target and travel in well lite places and have a male escort.

    It is about managing the risk profile. Now if someone gets raped I am not going to blame the victim but people should try to avoid being an easy target because even though legally and morally you are complete in the write still does not remove the fact that you have to live with the results of what was done to you.

    Think about this. Lets say you get in an auto accident and T-Bone some dumb ass who ran a red light and nothing you could really do to avoid it and sad dumb ass is killed. Even though you could not do anything to avoid it you still have to live with that guilt that you killed another human being and many people that is really hard on them even though there was nothing they could of done to avoid it.