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Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Wolf Pack Twilight

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  • standingquiet
    Jan 10, 04:10 PM
    Now if I were in England and I was getting a Ford Focus, I think it would have to be a RS. :D

    We don't get to play with those on our side of the pond. :(

    The RS's are very nice i used to have a Mk 1 RS the limited edition blue one they did 4500 cars of.

    The ST's are not much different still have the 2.5 Turbo 5 cylinder engine but only 225bhp. I'm looking at the Mountune Kit with takes it to 260bhp for �1200.

    But the new one is to much money �28,000 you can buy much nicer cars with that sort of money.


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  • macfan881
    Sep 7, 09:48 AM
    guys trust me i know steve will not disapoint on this im sure we had our doubts when we had the musc store im sure come tuesday night we will think steve is god lol

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  • appleguy123
    Jun 22, 09:11 PM
    Ah yes. A porn free, tightly censored, code controlled desktop machine. That's what everyone wants right? :rolleyes:

    Actually maybe.

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  • partyBoy
    Nov 28, 05:23 PM
    One of the most UNDERrated games...it is awesome

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  • Mike84
    Apr 26, 01:41 PM
    Therefore, Apple should have done one-click instead of 1-click to avoid licensing issues: ;)


    Apple should get an injunction against App Store knockoffs.

    I am not sure if you know, but there are differences between trademark law and patent law. In this case, the one you cited (which I studied), Amazon was protecting its system or process by which they achieved a 1-click process. This is a clear cut patent infringement.

    However, the current article deals with a trademark issue, which is different from patent law. In this instance, we are dealing with generic terms (App Store) and Apple cannot trademark that. As another member said, Apple does not have a trademark in App Store ;)

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  • led1002
    Mar 19, 03:14 PM
    Granted, it's life is far from over but I get the impression that Apple is telling me that unless I am willing to pony up $2500.00 - $3000.00, that my only options are either old or unupgradable products.

    Actually it's $1800-3000, for a G5 64 bit computer. Where do you buy your computers from? No wonder Apple can't dispell the myths even Mac users don't know how much they cost!

    The Wolf Pack Twilight. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • CalBoy
    Mar 20, 02:15 PM
    For the sake of consistency with the App Store and its censorship policies, it should be removed for containing offensive, disgusting content.

    I don't think it should be removed, and I don't think many other apps that have been removed should be removed. I just think Apple should censor consistently or not censor at all.

    I agree.

    I think that if the App Store wasn't regulated, this app would clearly have standing to be in there, as would an app that was misogynistic, anti-semitic, or pro-flatulence.

    However, Apple (and Steve Jobs in particular) has said that the App Store is meant to "protect" people from certain things (namely porn). Since Apple has the right to determine what goes into its store, I think it's fair to ask that an app that is more offensive than porn (most people disagree with this type of "therapy" and approve of homosexuality compared to the level of disagreement there is with porn) should be similarly removed from the App Store.

    I think there's also a Pandora's Box in that if this App delves into trying to "cure" people of some non-existent psychosis, could Apple be guilty of aiding and abetting the practice of medicine/psychology without a license? I'm not saying there's an answer to this, but it certainly does leave the door open to more problems.

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  • TallManNY
    Apr 19, 11:15 AM
    My Mom's iMac is on its last legs. I think I got it for her in early 2006 and its screen is having some streaking problems. Otherwise it still works, but a lot of the latest Apple software won't load on it. Once the refresh is out, I'm handing down my early 2008 iMac. That will be a big upgrade for her. I will get a new one for myself. I'm excited!

    I suspect I will do what I always do though, I will look into the Mac Pro, price it out, hesitate, and then go buy the iMac again. I can never justify the money for the Pro.

    The Wolf Pack Twilight. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • yg17
    Mar 22, 11:43 AM
    I love how "gays" freak out when non-homosexual people do something. But yet when "gays" want to do something extreme it's because we don't accept them, so when they get in trouble it's a huge ordeal.

    To me this is like the people that don't support war. If a veteran was killed in action and a funeral is happening they can picket the funeral all day long (talk about bull ****!) But yet if we don't let them picket they freak out scream free rights free rights. Well guess what those veterans (me included since I serve) gave them that freedom to stand there in picket.

    Gays are the same way. I have no issue with gays, I don't agree with it but if your gay, be gay. Just don't expect the world to conform to your way of life, especially a country (United States) founded on Christianity. If anything go to a foreign country and complain then see how bad it really is to come out, unless it's Amsterdam, Iraq or Afghan they'll love your butt over there.

    The US was not founded on Christianity, and some 2,000 book written by man about an invisible man in the sky should not be basis for law.

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  • Kilger
    Feb 23, 01:50 PM
    http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8707/img0388uf.jpg (http://img7.imageshack.us/i/img0388uf.jpg/)

    This is my first Mac computer so nothing special but I love it.

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  • mac1984user
    Mar 22, 04:08 PM
    Not that I'd want this, BUT why doesn't Apple make the iPod Classic a multi-touch device? The Mac proves that you don't need to have flash memory in order for multi-touch to work. Is the HDD in the Classic too slow or unresponsive to work with iOS? The could call it the iPod Touch Classic or something. Then you could have the best of both worlds, large capacity and a touch screen. If they did that, though, there's no way I'd buy an iPod Touch (not that I have a desire for one as I've go the iPhone4).

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  • macbookairman
    Apr 12, 09:22 PM
    I found this audio stream of the keynote. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/foxtrotyankee

    It hiccups now and then but not awful.

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  • twoodcc
    Nov 21, 11:18 PM
    That sounds like a great machine that could do better than my new mac pro according to the front page here at MacRumors :eek:

    i know. that's why i want to see how it does

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  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 10:07 PM
    Not true. If you buy a Mac-app or iOS app all the updates for that version are free. A new version is a whole new program that must be bought again on both platforms.

    What confuses you is that most iOS developers have decided to just keep updating their first version forever and not come out with a whole new version because they've decided that makes more sense on a smart phone than it does on a desktop machine.

    But that's a business decision, not a technical one. A developer could do it either way on either platform.

    Yes, that SKU will always be free for updates. They can create a separate SKU for a new major release and charge people again. Some did this when the iPad came out.

    Apple is moving towards cheaper software, and has been from around 2000.

    I think it would be pretty weird if each version of Final Cut was $299 now.

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 31, 02:15 PM
    To say any one country defeated the nazis really isn't true. It's as unreasonable a claim as rasmasyean's wargasmic fantasy :p

    As it was, the nazi invasion of russia came very close to success. Would the soviets have defeated the nazis if germany hadn't also been engaged in northern africa and then italy and western europe at the same time they were fighting the soviets? Would they have have beaten Hitler if he hadn't gone against the advice of his generals and made some disastrous decisions? Didn't the Persian supply corridor factor into the soviets being able to hold off the germans? etc etc etc

    The reality is that the allied forces beat the nazis and not any one country.

    But wargasm fantasy aside, I still think that even if the Americans didn't enter the war directly and assuming they didn't supply the Allies with weapons, and they were still able to hold off Nazis by themselves, the Manhattan project sequence was already on the way. It's no doubt that US would have "tested" them not only in Japan, but all over Europe. And I don't think any of the Axis would have kept going.

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  • thejedipunk
    Jan 7, 09:22 PM
    ITV is a private independant TV channel in the UK so Apple may run into trouble with that name for it's home media centre.

    iTV is just Apple's in house development/prototype codename for the device. Jobs-san already said it was going to be given an official name.

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  • puuukeey
    Aug 25, 11:34 AM
    just a thought. I'd like to see at least one mini stay as cheap as possible. cheap minis are condusive to the "non desktop" or "inivisible" situations we all love them for.

    creative things like
    Home automation,
    Home theater
    automotive fun
    art installations
    internet radio.
    cash registers
    security systems
    advertising kiosks(shoot me)

    I always thought they should lay a tiny screen on them for applications like these where it's purpose doesn't need to infinitely pliable.

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 04:02 PM
    Who needs an undocumented source when you could watch WWDC 2010 Session 115 'Using Core Location in iOS 4' at 14 minutes and 30 seconds in and hear Morgan Grainger, a man partly responsible for the Core Location framework in the iPhone SDK (read: all location functionality on iPhone) describe how the iPhone caches nearby cell tower information to help the device find its location in the circumstances above.

    Given that we have the engineer partly behind this framework explain that the iPhone caches this information, we know that the iPhone has to be storing this information somewhere. This 'consolidated.db' matches the words in the video perfectly, making it no great assumption that this is the file which fulfils this purpose.

    Granted you don't sound like a developer and so won't have access to these videos, but any other developer could do the same and corroborate this.

    It being a bug is simply a rumour which has no links to an official source. I'm far more inclined to believe the words of a guy who wrote the code that collects this information in the first place

    It's all somewhat speculation until we hear Apples response.

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  • vand0576
    Sep 1, 01:28 PM
    Thats crazy! no way do Computers (outside of Apple) overlap ALL THE TIME.

    Of course computer lines overlap. Check the other online stores, and not the apple online store every 5 minutes and you would know this. Think about it, they almost have to! How many different models does Dell or HP sell at any given moment? How many choices does one need to narrow down? You can customize something like 11-12 machines on other sites, that are all very comparable, IMO

    Mar 31, 08:49 AM
    Apple has never mentioned the new "Scene Kit" before:

    Introduced in Mac OS X v10.7, the Scene Kit framework enables your application to import, manipulate, and render three-dimensional assets. It supports 3D assets imported via COLLADA, an XML-based schema that facilitates the transport of 3D assets between applications. Architecturally, a scene is composed of the 3D entities of cameras, lights, and meshes. Scene Kit lets you access attributes of scene objects—for example, geometry, bounding volume, and material—and is consistent with the APIs of other graphical frameworks, such as Core Animation and Image Kit.

    Scene Kit is intended for developers who quickly need to integrate 3D rendering into their applications. It doesn’t require that you have advanced graphical programming skills.

    Where are you seeing this? I can't find this on the reference documents.

    Aug 6, 11:12 PM
    I certainly hope Leopard isn't like Vista 2.0 - it (Vista 2.0) will be horrible as usual!

    Apr 22, 09:43 AM
    Why would Apple release an iMac refresh a couple of months before a new OS debuts? Also, this would be the FASTEST REFRESH IN APPLE HISTORY at 9 months.

    You all fell for the hype and made Bri@n T0ng (eat that SEO) and Sea-NET advertising revenue. :rolleyes:

    because a lot of people will buy the iMac and then 10.7 for another $29 or so. more money in their pockets

    Billy Boo Bob
    Jan 2, 02:57 PM
    I wouldn't mind seeing some Skype integration alongside the cell... When in range of a Wi-Fi, be a Skype phone (optional)... When out of Wi-Fi range, work as a cell.

    Granted, it's not as smooth sounding as a real cell phone, but the way the kids in the house burn up minutes during the day, I'd rather have them use Skype so they can call their friends all they want. That is when they are wanting to talk privately (like most of the time) rather than use MSN Messenger. Maybe some Wi-Fi / Bluetooth option to use it through audio iChat, too. :-)

    I doubt that they would do that, though. Especially if they end up being a virtual carrier... They'll want you to use up minutes like any cell carrier.

    Mar 31, 12:16 AM
    Can you only get one code per dev account? What if I want to install on multiple computers?

    The thing that downloads from the App Store is the installer. Once you have it on one computer, you just copy it to another.