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Saturday, May 21, 2011

sub zero and scorpion

sub zero and scorpion. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • appleguy123
    Apr 23, 04:01 PM
    Well now, I don't think being an atheist actually entails anything. I certainly don't do anything specific related to it, but I know what you mean :).

    I think this is a positive thing that people can be pushed towards science and understanding - even if it is because they are having to constantly defend themselves!

    Who knows, perhaps they will find something they are passionate about and push forward science even further. Religious groups don't come accross as particularly progressive, so I guess it's up to "us" ;)

    I actually like being questioned. More on my scientific ideas, but religious ones too. For me, it is the best way to learn.
    Others around me aren't this way. We'll be having what I think is an intellectual discussion, and the next moment my friend's shouting at me. It's weird to think about holding any ideal sacred(a
    Though it wouldn't have been when I was a fundamentalist :eek:).

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 26, 04:13 PM
    I would think the dual quad cores are meant for clientèle a little up market from Adobe users.ROTFLMAO :D :p :) You're breaking my balls Ben.

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  • -aggie-
    May 5, 10:40 AM
    AT&T's plan worked brilliantly.

    They put me through a year where about 40% of my calls got dropped and then fixed it so only about 5% get dropped now.

    So even though that's worse than the other carriers I am personally thrilled with that number.

    So...good plan, AT&T!

    I'm in your area, but out in the boonies. I've never had a dropped call.

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  • Compile 'em all
    May 31, 07:14 AM
    I blame the iphone. Its a hog and kills atts network. If it was a diff phone this wount be happening. Apple needs to make it work with the network better.

    So all other carriers of the world don't have issues with the iPhone on their network and now because AT&T is garbage it becomes Apple's problem?

    I have had an iPhone since 2007 and might have had less than 10 dropped calls. In 3 years. The catch? I don't live in the states.

    And please don't give me, "but the states is bigger". No, it is not. The largest carriers in the world per # of subscribers are not in the states. Go look at China and Japan.

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  • topgunn
    Aug 29, 11:24 AM
    Would you be more or less likely to believe this report if it was released by the EPA?

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  • hunkaburningluv
    Apr 9, 11:21 AM
    That's where things are going.

    I read that a new XBOX might not be released for another 5 years and that the PlayStation is on a 10 year schedule. If that's actually the schedule, then the consoles could face serious competition from iOS and Android games.

    The graphics difference from the first iPhone to the iPhone 4 or iPad 2 is a great comparison. That's just four years. What if that advancement continues for the next four years � which is very likely � the graphics could be amazing on iOS devices.

    There's a fair bit of misconception in the 10 year lifecycle of the PS3 - the PS2 had a ten year lifecycle too, but the PS3 was released well into that 10 years. The 10 year thing is taken out of context. There will most likely be a ps4 in a couple of years (well, if Japan recovers from the current happenings). I think the same thing can apply to the 360 - there's been a lot of talk about some thing similar - I do think that we won't see anything this year due to the runaway success of Kinect. We'll most likely get an announcement next year and a release the year after. I've a feeling that we'll see something different in the way compatibility works as there was talk of forward "compatible games" many have taken their own thoughts on what that has meant though.

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  • Surely
    Apr 15, 09:36 AM
    yeah that is kind of been my issue with this at well. They focus on the LGBT community but complete side track what I am willing to be is a larger group of striaght kids who get bullied and have long term emotional problems from bullies. That be the fact kids, kids with random disability or just easy targets for one reason or another but they are straight so they do not get focuses on by the media..

    Perhaps those groups should make their own videos.

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  • Ugg
    Mar 14, 12:18 AM
    The small ones, like satellites dishes. You can buy them at Jaycar.


    Pretty much like a weather vein or TV aerial. Provides a couple of hundred watts at 24V or 12V. I was thinking about one for if there is ever a blackout (ie a drunk hitting a power pole, it's happened) instead of needing a petrol generator.

    Every home generating 500W of their own wind power with one of these little things on their roof in a city of Los Angeles with a million homes = 500,000,000 watts. As well as a solar panel at 500W too is up to a billion watts not required from any central power source.

    California is making great strides in this area. Through creative financing, tax breaks, and fairly high electric rates, quite a few people have solar. It's especially important here in the summer when electricity use is at its greatest.

    However, the one thing that nobody has brought up is that evil word..... CONSERVATION

    Not using electricity is a lot cheaper all around than building a new power plant, no matter the fuel source.

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  • milo
    Jul 13, 11:17 AM
    Apple will offer a New Form Factor 64-bit Dual-Core Conroe Mini-Tower whether or not a single chip Woodie is in the lineup. They'll have no choice.

    Not necessarily. They could also just put the conroe in the base model with the same form factor, although they probably wouldn't be able to get it as cheap. I don't really care if they go with the mini form factor or not as long as the price is low enough.

    the single xeon configs i was refering to were netburst based ones.


    apple tried the powermac mini as it were and you did not buy it, it was called the g4 cube.

    That's a $300 difference in list price. Even if apple pays half of that, it's a significant amount, not to mention that the difference goes higher the more ram you buy.

    Sure, it makes sense for companies to offer a single woodcrest config IN ADDITION to conroe configs. It mostly makes sense for users who want to add the second chip themselves in the future. But all those companies also will sell conroe configs, and they will be cheaper. It just doesn't make sense to sell single woodcrest as a substitute for conroe, apple would likely be the only company doing that.

    And the cube failed because it was simply outrageously overpriced (I would NOT consider it "powermac" by any stretch of the imagination, but it still cost almost as much as the full towers). They brought it back as the mini which has sold very well and demonstrated that people DO want smaller, cheaper alternatives.

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  • benpatient
    May 2, 09:18 AM
    As I understand it, Safari will open the zip file since it's a "safe" download. But that doesn't mean it'll execute the code within that zip file, so how is this malware executing without user permission?

    malware doesn't execute without user permission.

    it relies on tricking the user into giving it permission to run, striking at what is typically the weakest link in any computer's security: the user.

    any argument that XX isn't a threat, because it requires users to take an action in order to be truly dangerous, is a flawed argument, because in general, users are stupid, or at the very least, careless.

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  • Thomas2006
    Oct 14, 10:52 AM
    BTW Looks like Apple is way overcharging for the 3GHz Woodcrest upgrade. Only cost them $322 more - probably less off the published price list - yet they are asking for $800. That doesn't seem fair to me. Does it to you? I would think that $500 would be a more reasonable upgrade price for something that cost them about $300.
    Maybe it is so when the quad-core systems come out Apple can keep the same price for the top-end while lowering the price on dual-core systems and still make a profit. The people that wait for the quad-cores will be happy they did and the people that don't care can get a Mac Pro for less because they waited.

    sub zero and scorpion. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Mlrollin91
    May 5, 10:51 AM
    I'm in SoCal, when I was on Verizon I had 1-3 drop calls a week. I've been on AT&T for a little over 18 months, and have had 1 drop call. The conversation was over 2.5 hours as well, so something that long is bound to drop eventually.

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  • Sydde
    Mar 15, 06:40 PM
    Somewhere I think I read that Fukushima Dai-ichi was just a few months away from final retirement of the entire facility after twice its designed lifetime. But there almost certainly must be spent fuel rods in all the basins, since fuel changes are done at least as often as 18 months and spent fuel takes two to four years to cool enough to be safely moved offsite. The fuel still contains enough U-235 to produce considerable heat from just decay, but internal pollutants reduce its ability to contribute in a reactive core. Presumably, spent fuel is not considered to be able/likely to generate a critical event (neutron flux is too compromised by pollutants) so it would not require such sturdy containment as would a reactor.

    To me, this operation looks slightly slipshod, almost like brinkmanship. Pushing nuclear systems even half way to their limits seems like too risky.

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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 27, 11:59 AM
    And why do people who believe that stuff spend so much time and effort concerning themselves with homosexuality?

    Its probably down to them being in the closet themselves.

    sub zero and scorpion. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 28, 07:39 AM
    No surprise the iPad is just a fad and people are starting to realize how limited it is. Its frustrating on a lot of cool websites and no file system makes it very limited.

    You apparently missed the part of the report that says:

    A combination of strong Q4 sales and the announcement of the iPad 2's launch across major markets at the end of March contributed to Apple's iPad shipments being down 31% sequentially. The full impact of the iPad 2 launch will not register until subsequent quarters, as Apple gets the product into the hands of consumers.

    Interpretation in english:

    Two major factors contributing to the sequential decline of iPad sales this quarter:

    1) A lot of consumers received an iPad 1 as a holiday gift and did not need a 2 and

    2) Apple's larger multi-country launch caused inventory constraint and Apple was unable to sell more because they didn't have any excess to sell; i.e., it's a really popular device and we anticipate that being reflected in next quarter's sales report.

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  • PghLondon
    Apr 28, 11:21 AM
    Does this rule apply to non Apple computers and tablets?

    I recall only a short time ago when non Apple companies where posting numbers, people on these forums were ripping the figures to shreds as they said they were not sold items but only shipped items.

    Do we all agree the same rules for everyone :)

    How are those tablets working out for those companies? I'd say it's pretty much adhering to the "rules" as set out above. If all of their products sold as "well" as their tablets did, those companies would be purged. Not a double standard.

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  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 21, 09:16 AM
    Have we established that turning off location services actually disables this "feature"?

    No, I misunderstood what he was referring to. After reading more into it, it's different than the locations feature on there. Instead of using it like a GPS, it actually seems to track based off tower triangulation.

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  • Mr.Gadget
    Sep 25, 11:35 PM
    Exactly... Now I have to wait even longer to jump into the Mac foray... I'm holding on until these 8-ways come out... I hope it is soon!

    I know there isn't much point as I won't need that horsepower, but the bang for buck is what keeps me holding on just a little longer. No way am I waiting until Christmas though! :-)

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  • dgreen1069
    Jul 9, 04:18 PM
    I tried the Droid Incredible for two weeks and found the battery life to be a bit short. I am used to charging my iPhone 3G every night (and occasionally during the evenings), but the Incredible seemed to fly through it's battery. With that said, it was hands down a better cell phone than the iPhone. I don't think I dropped a single call during the two weeks I had it. It operates very similar to the iPhone, but the software isn't as polished. Many tasks would take an extra step or two. The Incredible is very fast....I don't know if it was the phone, Verizon, or both, but 3G internet browsing was much faster than my iPhone. I would venture to say it is even faster than my new iPhone 4. The two things that bugged me the most were the music player (not nearly as nice as the iPod player) and the screen in daylight. The screen really washes out in bright sunlight.

    I ended up returning the Incredible because I thought I'd be pissed if the new iPhone was a hit. While I'm glad I held out and got the iPhone 4, I really wish it could have been on Verizon. It really is a shame that we are all tied to AT&T. I can't tell you how many times I have been places where I have no signal when those around me with Verizon had plenty. I find my new iPhone better at making and holding calls than my 3G, but it still doesn't hold a candle to the service I saw with the Incredible. If Verizon ever gets the iPhone, I will probably pony up the cancellation fee and switch carriers.

    Jun 5, 05:03 PM
    I am not a big fan of AT&T either but how come T-Mobile does better than AT&T , I do not know.

    AT&T is not THAT bad. I know it is better than T-Mobile at least.

    because they are german

    Mar 18, 01:24 PM
    AT&T is not being 'unfair', but nor is tethering 'stealing' lol.

    The funny thing is, for all this argument this probably won't lead to anything. The majority of people will keep using whatever method they use to tether and most likely nothing will happen beyond a warning. Whether they're in the right or not, AT&T will get too much **** for 'auto' changing people's plans to a more expensive plan, ESPECIALLY if they are using automated methods to flag this, because as others have pointed out, people the complaints resulting from false positives will be a PR fiasco for them. Just like those stupid notices some people get from their cable companies for downloading certain torrents...everyone was like "They're cracking down!!!" Really? I've never seen one of those in my life, don't know anyone who has personally, and of all the people online I've seen report them I've never heard of anyone having their cable canceled, having any legal issues, etc... Not saying it hasn't happened but it must not have been that big of a crackdown if everyone is still doing it.

    Ok, it's not the same because in this case AT&T is out to protect their own interests (as opposed to cable companies protecting the copyrights of others), but I still don't see this putting an end to homebrew tethering methods that let people use the data they purchased as they see fit. Yes it's against TOS, yes AT&T is fully within their rights to try and stop you, but...good luck.

    Jul 8, 12:01 AM
    I'm still on the iPhone 3G. I was seriously considering ditching AT&T and the iPhone 4 for Sprint/EVO 4G or Verizon/Droid X because I was dropping call every single call in my house (no joke, every single call) and multiple calls per day around town a few weeks ago, BUT...

    I haven't dropped a call for a couple of weeks now and have had great reception in my house recently, as well. Really odd, but encouraging as I decide what you do about replacing this phone.
    I've had poor AT&T coverage as well. Could never reliably make a call at home. After suffering for 2 years I ditched and went with the HTC Incredible on Verizon. Couldn't be happier. 3G coverage EVERYWHERE. I forgot what it was like to have coverage. Its like day and night. Over the last month, I've grown to really like Android as well.

    Jul 12, 09:05 AM
    Also bear in mind that Conroes are cheaper for apple to buy than Meroms, as well as offering faster clock speeds and more performance. So it wouldn't cost Apple much more, per machine, to put a 2.4Ghz conroe in rather than a 2.0Ghz merom.

    Take a look at the iMac. Now, it's quite small, isn't it? Nice and thin, and silet as well. How are you planning to cool that 2.4GHz Conroe in a machine like that? And why should Apple go for a whole different CPU, when they already have a great replacement for their current CPU: Merom. Only thing they need to do is to replace the current CPU with the new one. Conroe would take a lot more work.

    I don't buy your argument that Apple needs to spec iMac similarly to consumer desktop-Dells and the like. I mean, Apple hasn't done so so far (with the current Core Duo-version), why should they do so in the future?

    What I still believe is that we will have a third desktop that gets placed between MacPro and iMac. And that minitower-machine WILL use Conroe.

    Apple can either put Meroms in the iMac and thus make an over-priced under-performing desktop or redesign the motherboard for Conroe and have a competitive desktop.

    If that is true, then current iMac isn't competetive either. It's "overpriced" and "underperforming". Is that what you think?

    If they want to continue their recent success with the switch to Intel they cannot afford to be lazy and simply drop a merom into the iMac.

    Merom is the logical choice. It's a drop-in replacement, it runs cooler, it's about 20% faster, clock for clock... What I think will happen is that current 1.83 and 2Ghz Core Duo'w will be replaced by 2 and 2.13Ghz Meroms.

    Oct 10, 07:55 PM

    Yes, the JVM is the deciding factor here. If the Java takes that damn long on a G4 but goes fast on a P4, can can rest assured that the JVM Apple is distributing sucks compared to whatever one the x86 machines are using.

    There is no way in heck that the performance delta can be so large without a large difference in quality of JVM. G4's may be slower, but they are not as slow as those number indicate.

    Like I've been saying, when you start to see 5x leads by the PCs you need to start asking questions about the fairness of the benchmark. The G4 is better than 1/5 the speed. There are very few things were a P4 can get better performance per clock than a G4.

    Your G3 results as bizzarre as well, because of the contrast between them and the G4 results. Do not take it as proof one way or the other of the G3 or other IBM chips being superior to the G4. What we have here are raw numbers that defy a simple explanations. We should ask why these numbers are popping up, rather than running off with them as if they were uttered by a great voice in the sky or somthing.