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Friday, May 20, 2011

las vegas strip at night pictures

las vegas strip at night pictures. DOWNLOAD IMAGE. Aerial night
  • DOWNLOAD IMAGE. Aerial night

  • bandalay
    Apr 25, 01:43 PM
    That something that could be explained in two lines by someone in the know has to go to a Federal lawsuit. Clearly Apple is trying to avoid getting drawn into a privacy discussion, because as we know, there's no end to the absurd lengths people will declare their rights trod upon.

    Someone's trying to make a "big thing�" out of this.

    las vegas strip at night pictures. Las Vegas Strip night view
  • Las Vegas Strip night view

  • z4n3
    Apr 6, 03:27 AM
    Forget about new Macs! just give us FCS A.S.A.P. :eek:

    las vegas strip at night pictures. The Las Vegas Strip at night
  • The Las Vegas Strip at night

  • TerrorOFdeath
    Apr 6, 11:07 AM
    Forget i7.. Hellhammer seriously? Didnt expect that from you. (or where you just speaking what tehnical could be possible)
    Marketingwise this would just make no sense at all. It would actually be a Conflict of interest for the MBP.

    i5 seems logic. And then just mhz bump bto.

    IMHO i would love to see an 11.6 MBA with an i3. So that there could still be enough power for backlit.
    And please, do make the screen better for the 11.6

    GMA3000 is ok for an Air. Even if it is just DX10.


    PS: @Scottsdale: Did you buy this Generation MBA. Or did you wait, because the backlit thing? (just wondering, because to an i5 you cant say no can you ;-) Oh yes, to replay to your text. The bus is higher, and so is the turboboost option up to 2.X GhZ. It IS better than actuall CD2. The power you use if you need it (if not, much more battery life). But on the GPU part im with you. It is still freaking me out, crp Intel Graphics. But i can swallow it on a MBA.

    las vegas strip at night pictures. File:Las Vegas Strip at night.
  • File:Las Vegas Strip at night.

  • antdfsc
    Nov 29, 07:42 AM
    Do they get money from every CD player sold? This is lame, I dont see why Apple should share their profits with any music company just because Microsoft was dumb enough to do it... If they let one company make money off of it, whats to stop the rest from wanting a cut?

    las vegas strip at night pictures. Amenities of Las Vegas
  • Amenities of Las Vegas

  • regandarcy
    Apr 5, 05:48 PM
    New iMacs would be great. Let's not forget new MacBook airs. They need sandy bridge and thunderbolt too! :-)

    Doubt it will be MacBook airs. But updating the iMacs along with the new final cut pro does make sense.

    las vegas strip at night pictures. Las Vegas Strip at Night
  • Las Vegas Strip at Night

  • MacBoobsPro
    Jul 20, 08:55 AM
    I agree, increasing the number of cores can't be the only solution on long term. In my opinion it's time to rethink CPUs: Single, maybe dual core, high processing* power with extremly low power consumption, much lower than we have nowadays.

    * Whatever that exactly means, I don't know.

    Is having more cores more energy efficient than having one big fat ass 24Ghz processor? Maybe thats a factor in the increasing core count.

    las vegas strip at night pictures. The Las Vegas strip at night
  • The Las Vegas strip at night

  • JohnnyQuest
    Apr 7, 11:09 PM
    I really hate Best Buy. But unfortunately, there's no Apple Store in my town.

    las vegas strip at night pictures. las vegas city center opening
  • las vegas city center opening

  • Popeye206
    Mar 31, 03:33 PM
    Good. I hope they take one of the last strengths of the iPad ecosystem away from it.

    Ya got to love this guy.... Mr Gloom and doom!

    Glad to see the hot selling iPad 2 only has "one" advantage against the non-selling Android tablets. :rolleyes:

    las vegas strip at night pictures. Las Vegas Strip by Night
  • Las Vegas Strip by Night

  • Demoman
    Sep 15, 10:52 PM
    Uh, last time I checked, Windows can take advantage of multiple cores just fine. Do you think that multithreading is some Black Magic that only MacOS can do? Hell, standard Linux from kernel.org can use 512 cores as we speak!

    Related to this: Maybe not 512-way SMP, but here (http://www.linux-mips.org/wiki/IP27_boot_messages) is what it looks like when Linux boots on 128-way SGI Origin supercomputer. Note, the kernel that is booting is 2.4.1, which was released in early 2001. Things have progressed A LOT since those day.

    OS X works with quad core == "Ahead of technology curve"... puhleeze!

    Windows works just fine with dual-core. It really does. To Wndows, dual-core is more or less similar to typical SMP, and Windows has supported SMP since Windows NT!

    Any reason why it wouldn't work? And did you even read the Anandtech-article? They conducted their benchmarks in Windows XP! So it obviously DID work with four cores! And it DID show substantial improvement in performance in real-life apps! Sheesh! Dial tone that fanboysihness a bit, dude.

    I think the same applies to you, Bill. You seem to be here to act as a Microsoft evangelist.

    las vegas strip at night pictures. Strip, Las Vegas at Night,
  • Strip, Las Vegas at Night,

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 09:55 AM
    And once again the Apple fans will turn out to have been correct.

    Really? The posters on here that say there was no issue are correct?

    I guess Apple fixing certain bugs related to this is whimtime.

    I guess it's all a matter of what part of the issue you deem important. The tracking, the retention or the ability to opt out

    las vegas strip at night pictures. [edit] The Strip today
  • [edit] The Strip today

  • GFLPraxis
    Mar 31, 02:32 PM
    This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later.

    John Gruber would eat Steve Job's ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased.

    I don't disagree that it was a smart move, either. It WAS a bait and switch though. Most of us realized that making the OS open would result in a ton of forks with horrible UI and poor casual user experience- look at Linux on the desktop.

    I think Google is doing the right thing to give Android a better product. However, that doesn't make it not hypocritical, or the exact opposite of everything they promised their clients (the manufacturers).

    Google finally figured out that they need to exert control to keep the OS consistent and the user experience good. Problem is, doing that also means going against everything they spent the last three years preaching against.

    Also, it's extremely important to note that the criticisms being leveled against Google is that they're showing favoritism and imposing addition restrictions on competitors such as Facebook, if you read the articles.

    las vegas strip at night pictures. Las Vegas Dining Vegas Strip
  • Las Vegas Dining Vegas Strip

  • rtdunham
    Aug 27, 09:15 AM
    I believe the 2.33 GHz Merom chip debuted at the same price as the 2.16 GHz Yonah when it was released. The prices of MBPs certainly haven't fallen. Apple has just been enjoying the extra profits from Intel's price drops of the past few months.

    good information, logical thought.

    do you think apple's $100M payoff to Creative*, and possible need to restate financial information for recent quarters/years because of questionable executive compensation, make the company more reluctant than might otherwise have been the case to intro new chips that are, in the beginning more costly and thus will reduce profits?

    *--i know, i know, it's only 1% of apple's cash reserves. But that's not meaningless money: trust me, companies make plenty of strategic decisions that affect their products' features, support quality, whatever, over amounts far less than $100M.

    las vegas strip at night pictures. The Best Night Clubs in Las
  • The Best Night Clubs in Las

  • Peterkro
    Mar 24, 02:08 PM
    The vast majority of conservatives are WASP-ish,

    las vegas strip at night pictures. Las Vegas strip “CHER” to
  • Las Vegas strip “CHER” to

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 20, 10:21 AM
    This should all go public.

    But they have worked so hard, all these decades, to diminish the "one man, one vote" to something much less than that.

    Won't you think of their children, and reconsider?


    las vegas strip at night pictures. Las Vegas Strip night view
  • Las Vegas Strip night view

  • mrkramer
    Nov 28, 08:02 PM
    I agree with the people here who have said that if this happens they would pirate all of the Music that they wanted from universal. If this happens and I buy a new iPod after that I will just go and pirate the Music that I want since the record labels have already been paid.

    las vegas strip at night pictures. Las Vegas Strip view from Mix
  • Las Vegas Strip view from Mix

  • marksman
    Apr 11, 03:17 PM
    Personally, a bigger screen > Retina Display.

    So a 50" SD tv is better than a 42" High Def tv?

    las vegas strip at night pictures. Las Vegas Strip Night Shots
  • Las Vegas Strip Night Shots

  • Thunderbird
    Aug 7, 04:41 PM
    So the cat won't be out of the bag until Spring 2007?

    I thought Leopard was slated for December?

    Maybe that means it will actually be launched at MWSF in January

    I wonder if this is a case of Redmond playing chicken with Cuppertino...

    Microsoft: "We're late, so show us your O/S first."
    Apple: "Sorry, not until December. But feel free to release yours first"
    Microsoft: "We've delayed till March, so you go first"
    Apple: "Well, we've delayed till Spring too, so you go ahead."


    las vegas strip at night pictures. The Strip at night
  • The Strip at night

  • apachie2k
    Sep 19, 06:55 AM
    i wanna a lot of ram in my new 64 bit mbp!! and umm what else....:confused: :eek:

    las vegas strip at night pictures. Las Vegas Strip, Night
  • Las Vegas Strip, Night

  • mkruck
    Apr 6, 04:43 PM
    You both ignored HOT DOGS! Sheesh, hot dogs rule. The only problem is kids under 6 choking on them unless you cut them right. But that will be fixed in the v3.0 hot dog, they will come pre-sliced.

    Hot dogs?

    Hot dogs?

    Those are the Hyundai of...oh, wait, that analogy has been used already. Uhhhmmmm, Hot Dogs are the Yugo...oh, man, did it again.

    OK, I've got it: Hot Dogs are the Hot Dogs of food.

    Mar 26, 11:12 AM
    Ignoring all else what I want is the ability to run my IOS applications on Mac OS. :)

    Jul 27, 10:57 AM
    Since the WWDC is focused on developers, wouldn't it make the most sense for Apple to do all of the chip transition announcements plus the Leopard preview at WWDC and wait until MW SanFran or hold a special event for the video iPod/iTunes movie announcements? After all, developers want to know what to expect in the forthcoming OS and what the processing abilities for the full range of hardware will be so they can devise applications to fully exploit the specs on the OS and the various hardware configs. iPod and iTunes announcements may be neat, but they would seem to be less relevant to the WWDC audience.

    Aug 27, 08:41 PM
    you know what? I like the g5 powerbook next tuesday joke enough that I think MR should print it on a t-shirt! :)

    Nov 29, 01:08 PM
    I agree, they won�t go away anytime soon, but change is coming, and change will be good for artists and consumers, not for the record labels.

    Sorry for my weird grammar or mispells, I am not a native english speaker, I don�t have a spell checker on this computer (in english at least) and I am too lazy to proof read what I wrote lol :)

    Dude, I think you're right on, and your English is fine (better than some native English speakers who post here, in any case!).

    Distribution methods like iTunes make the middle men - the labels - obsolete. It puts artists on a level playing field and coupled with viral marketing like MySpace and such it really spells the end for record labels as we know them.

    If anything, all a "record label" might hope to be in the future is a marketing branch that works with an artists and takes a small cut of their sales, not the eight headed monster who controls ever aspect of an artists career - from where they record their album to what sizes their t-shirts come in - that we find today.

    And as far as radio goes, it's totally done as a means of making hits. Heck, even next generation satellite radio is struggling - you're telling me terrestrial radio, which is nothing more than 15 minutes of talk and 20 minutes of commercial per hour is deciding what's popular today? Nuh uh. Try: MySpace, commercials, blogs, television series background music, etc. THAT's where today's hits come from.

    FM radio and MTV lost all significance ages ago. If you're using them to find hits, maybe you should get off your PowerMac 6100 and upgrade your 14,000 baud modem to a DSL connection so you can visit the real world...

    Jul 14, 04:16 PM
    That's nice...

    They'd better have something in between this and the iMac...

    Apple has had an inbetween model for a long time. Low end where models change more often compared to a so called high end where a good model is made, then only minor changes are made every year or so. High end clock speed will still be down after 2 years. It sounds to me that Apple makes a high end then allows it to slide to a middle ground, ownly they forget to lower the price to mid ground.

    The new Intel Macs are supposed to be top end again, so that means a general accross the board price increases. The price increases must mean we are getting a new high end product. Just wait a couple of generations & we'll have a mid-range Mac.

    Bill the TaxMan