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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Harmony Day 2011

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  • diamond.g
    Mar 24, 02:07 PM
    The GPU can do that, no need for CPU. The CPU is just there to tell the GPU what to crunch assuming no FLAGS were thrown regarding a particular DRM-protected data.

    Thunderbolt is just the transmission protocol, there is no actual decode or encode besides what is hard wired at the ports.

    Hmm, maybe we are thinking of two different things. How is this going to maintain a protected path? How would Apple keep us from grabbing the stream as it is being sent to the GPU (to be shown on the screen)? That is the part I am thinking of, that is what HDCP/DPCP is supposed to prevent. If we are sending data down the PCIe side then how is it being protected from snooping?

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  • UnreaL
    Sep 7, 06:44 AM
    Well I ordered the new lower model Mac Mini, this will be my first Mac (and its not even for me! For sister..)

    1) CPU being Core Duo not really a problem, sims & firefox etc are not going to strain it!
    2) 512mb memory is a let down, but im not waiting or paying the amount extra for 1GB as again she wont use it.
    3) No superdrive is a let down, I would have spent the amount extra to upgrade if it was there, but I'm not buying the model with better GPU and slightly bigger harddrive and anyway she doesnt use DVD's.

    Basically Bootcamp caused me to convert, without it I would have kept her on PC

    Well we'll have to see.

    Got it for �360 from the Apple higher education store, cant wait :D

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  • devinci99
    Mar 22, 05:07 PM
    I'm not sure how they would add iOS though without changing the look, unless iOS was purely for the background features. Or perhaps a click wheel AND touch screen would still be a "classic".

    exactly. ios4 base, but made look the same UI.

    Come to think about it, longer lasting battery stamina, better screen, internal additions. All without really changing the physical appearance of the classic.

    It can therefore still be 'classic' with up-to-date tweaks.

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  • JAT
    Apr 21, 02:46 PM
    Only ones upset over such news is Johny what's his face who hangs out at the local booby bar, when his wife thinks he's somewhere else. :eek:
    If that's going to bother her, she can track him, anyway. And if it does bother her, there's an easy solution. Try saying "yes".
    al franken?

    I thought it was just us "tinfoil hats" as was said yesterday by some in these forums, who would be upset about this?

    Guess not. :rolleyes:
    Uh, Franken sells his homemade tinfoil hats right on his personal website. What are you comparing him to?

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  • I'mAMac
    Sep 1, 01:18 PM
    What is this chin on the iMac that everybody is talking about?

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  • twoodcc
    Mar 18, 09:09 PM
    Grats on 6 mil!!


    Here are monthly stats for our team (http://kakaostats.com/usum.php?u=1628981) designed is kicking some booty! Way to go designed :eek:

    Our team stats page (http://kakaostats.com/t.php?t=3446) click in the columns to change the sort

    thanks for the links! yes, designed is kicking some butt! i wonder what his times per frame are

    E6750 is an older "65nm" core2duo, 2.66 stock. Good to hear about the ppd. Current info at the moment.

    GPU: 548p project running at 5319.91 ppd.
    CPU: 225p project running at 295.89 ppd.

    Might be time to upgrade the cpu...

    are you running the SMP client for the CPU? have you got the new SMP2 client?

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  • DotComName
    May 2, 04:54 PM
    Nice to see Apple bringing all of these nifty iOS elements to the Mac... But come on Apple, no need to beat around the bush.. We know iOS and OSX will soon be one in the same, trackpads and mice in the garbage and transverse plane oriented multitouch desktop screens.

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  • dmcgann
    Sep 8, 03:58 PM
    i think apple will announce a hard drive specifically for these downloads approx the size of a dvd player! you put it on top of your dvd player and you can download the movie to the hard drive through airport! you can then wirelessly control the hard drive with your computer! this would make high def a possibility! just a thought!

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  • PBF
    Apr 10, 04:27 PM
    I'm sorry, but unless you, guys, are suffering from some kinda severe form of ADHD, iCal's very orangey toolbar shouldn't be a distraction at all. Seriously.

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  • Hooksta
    Oct 24, 11:01 AM
    I'm still "surviving" with what is becoming a slower and slower iPhone 3G. I've been out of contract since June but am holding off on buying a new iPhone at this time. I was visiting my brother in law who has an iPhone 4 and I put my index finger (not even my whole hand) over the bottom left corner where the seam is and his phone dropped from five bars to two. I let go and the phone went right back up to five bars. CR Reports seemed legit to me.

    I'm a huge Apple fan. My wife and I both own the MacBooks (which CR LOVES), two of the new iPod Nano's and shuffles from a couple years ago, and we both have iPhones. So in no way could I be considered a "Droid"/Verizon guy here trying to cause trouble. Heck I couldn't even tell you how many Droid type phones there even are. I wouldn't have a clue.

    My only general complaint about my iPhone 3G (wife has 3GS) is that I wish the speaker in the ear set (not speakerphone) was louder. Sometimes I can barely hear the others when I am driving my Acura TL....which is a fairly quiet car. My company blackberry (which I really only like for email) has a speaker that I cannot tolerate at full volume. I think half volume on that thing is as much as full on the iPhone. I'll almost absolutely stick with iPhone but I am waiting to see if Verizon does get it (because AT&T drops more calls than my Verizon blackberry) and I'd also like to see if Apple fixes this current iPhone design. I feel for certain the 2011 version will have "quietly" fixed this "supposed" non-issue.

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  • SactoGuy18
    Mar 24, 06:43 AM
    I do think if the Classic stays around, you will see two changes:

    1. It will switch from hard drive to SSD storage once SSD technology matures enough.

    2. It will get a larger and higher resolution display, but keep the Click Wheel interface in a slightly smaller version to accommodate the bigger screen.

    Don't be surprised we see a Classic with a larger screen and 192 GB of flash memory within two years.

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  • daneoni
    Jan 11, 09:04 PM
    The only reason i can see it being called Air is because its all wireless....i.e. it connects to its Docking station wirelessly via Ultrawideband wireless USB (which would also connect the External Optical), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc

    I still call BS though.

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  • bigmc6000
    Jul 18, 08:02 AM
    I think it'd be a good idea. What most people in here seem to forget about is that there are millions of people who don't have DVD burners, much less DL DVD burners. Also, if the quality gets much more than 480p we're talking about quite a few older computers not being able to play it back very well. I think my 1.5GHz Powerbook is technically (according to apple) limited at 480p so if there's any slow down or jerkiness to get it to 720p I'm not a big fan of that.

    I think rental is a good idea - I've gone to blockbuster a few times and I've even watched some films from my cable company just because I didn't feel like going to blockbuster. But if they can make the price good (1.99 or 2.99 tops) it'd still be cheaper than either of the options I just listed and it'd be whole lot easier to do it.

    I like download to buy for music but I'm with a lot of people on here in that if I want to own a movie I'll just go to target the day it's released and get it for $16.

    One more thing - you don't want Steve to win this round because the studios would require an absurd pricing model. Look at the universal store - 29.99 for new releases?!?! If you want the DVD just go to Walmart or Target etc and get it way below MSRP otherwise the movie companies are going to make apple do what the retails do - take a loss on every single one sold and I really don't think Steve would be down with that...

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  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 26, 01:58 PM
    apple created a storefront they called "app store"

    amazon creates a store front that does the same t hing called the "appstore"

    apple wins in this situation.

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  • shadowmoses
    Aug 7, 02:55 AM
    here's my assesment of the situation; a complete and reasonable roundup of what to expect at the show


    Seems like a pretty good roundup of what will happen, I would like to see the iPhone with support for VOIP via wi-fi with iChat 4 that would be really sweet......

    Can't wait WWDC is going to be great,


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  • quagmire
    Mar 6, 12:18 PM
    That's true, though there have been a few successes, like the Ford Focus.

    We won't see the success of the global Ford Focus until the 2012 Focus. Before the new model, the American and Euro Focus were completely different. Only thing they shared was the name.

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  • e28
    Aug 17, 11:40 AM
    I don't really see the demand behind adding wireless functionality into the iPod. I think wireless is the buzz word right now and investment managers and industry analysts don't even know what it means.

    Bluetooth headphones, if they sound good, and bluetooth syncing is the only function people might use out of this. However, most people charge as they sync, so they would need to connect the iPod to the computer anyway. Bluetooth headphones would need to be charged too, and that is a nuisance.

    The only thing semi-useful out of 802.11 is sending audio to airport express. But I use my laptop for that already, so does this really add any functionality? No one I know will be typing in a 256-bit WPA key into their iPod so they can play their iPod music over their friend's airport express, either. At work, I can view and sample my coworker's library on my computer - even when they leave for lunch. And if I like it, I can buy it on iTunes right there. Again, where is the usefulness of a wireless iPod?

    I can see how XM radio might be useful to many, even though it doesn't appeal to me. However, I would think Apple would want an exclusive deal if they were to offer this feature.

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  • truz
    Aug 6, 08:51 PM
    Longhorn is code name, The product name is Vista you will not see a third name for windows vista. Just like Windows XP I think was called Whistler (code name).

    Just about all companies give there product a code name and then a release name once it's ready for the retail stores or a public beta like you see windows vista.

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 25, 10:43 AM
    Exactly so. For everyone's reference, here's a current Intel price chart (per CPU in lots of 1000): http://spamreaper.org/frankie/macintel.html

    It makes certain options quite clear. For example:

    Mar 25, 03:32 PM
    Bye bye Nvidia. Twas interesting whilst it lasted.

    Not. Even. Close.

    You probably don't work in the 3D world if you're saying that. ATI blows for Maya currently. There's also the issue of GPU support. While OpenCL is promising for agnostic GPU support, the CUDA offering from Nvidia is showing real world support. DaVinci can use the Nvidia 4000 in multiple cards to dramatically speed up the application.

    I'd be more impressed to see Apple support the off the shelf offerings of Nvidia, too. That way we'd have a choice and further the adoption of OpenCL in a variety of applications.

    Oct 23, 01:19 PM
    In my opinion, there is a VERY good possibility of the Macbook Pros being updated tomorrow. Here's Why:
    If you look at the Macbook Pro's "last updated" section, you'll notice that it was April 24, 2006. Tomorrow will be October 24, exactly 6 month's difference. Coincidence? perhaps, but in my opinion if it's not tomorrow, it's not until late November.

    Awesome, this means there will be further Macbook and Macbook Pro updates on April 24th (a Tuesday). I'm guessing that will be too early for Santa Rosa w/ Robsin caching technology. But, I bet there will be speed increases, graphics and hd increases.

    Aug 6, 11:21 PM
    I can't sleep.

    MacRumors, stop making me dwell on this!!

    PS, is anyone here waiting for Mac support for the Slingbox? Thats pissing me off too!

    Apr 21, 11:24 AM
    The people who are truly concerned about their privacy, for whatever reason that may be, know that this issue pales in comparison to everything else.

    Apr 21, 03:42 PM
    And the non-story with the non-privacy issues goes on and on and on. Sometimes a little knowledge really is a bad thing. So some info is stored on your phone, and your computer and this results in a public outcry. Yet every mobile phone company has logs of where and when every text and call you made through them and data on which masts you were connected to at the time, regardless of wether you have a smart phone or a plain old dumb one. Credit card companies know what you spent, what you bought and where you bought it. Shops have data on when and where you purchased from them using your card. Airports/airlines know where you have been and when. I could go on.

    All of these miss one key point, they are of no use except to someone with malicious intent, yet do we hear anything about addressing that which is the real issue. The biggest fear I have read about, in terms of numbers, is someone getting caught cheating on their partner. Think about it, no complaints about the cheating but about being caught!!! Just where is the sense of proportion and focus on the real issues???