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Friday, May 20, 2011

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  • Sijmen
    Aug 4, 09:00 AM
    I've been hoping for months, but barely speculated by others.....

    � 19" & 22" Merom-based iMacs (current iMacs already look "old" to me)

    Don't think so. Even a 23" iMac would seem more likely. See, the 17" iMac already has the 19" panel resolution, dito for 20" and 22". It would add little value.

    � backlit slim USB2 keyboard

    I'd say highly unlikely. As far as I remember Apple always has had one line of such accesories.

    � new category: home theater component-sized Conroe-based Mac (no Cube/MiniTower; Woodcrest goes into Mac Pros)

    Would be really cool, especially if it comes with Tivo functionality!

    iLife, iPhone & all other rumors seem like smokescreen.

    Agreed. iLife is a Januari product, and I don't think WWDC is a good time for the iPhone.

    Please, ACD's!

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  • RMMahoney
    Mar 27, 12:08 PM
    Release a new phone and make the people wait for months for the new OS? WTH?

    I thought WebOS and H/Palm already had that market cornered.

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  • ticman
    Dec 5, 12:04 PM
    Here in civilized Connecticut we only pay 6%. LOL

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  • BeefUK
    Aug 11, 09:05 AM
    Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.

    This is probably because merom is aimed at mainly at laptops, however there's no reason by they shouldn't put it in an iMac.

    I'm not one to believe all the rumours, however I really hope this one is true. Although i'm not holding my breath.

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  • McGiord
    Apr 9, 06:19 PM
    The official Mac answer is:

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  • AlBDamned
    Jul 21, 01:57 PM
    up the chips in the MBPs and up the speeds in the MBs?

    seems likely to me.

    Yup, possibly the cheap 2.0GHz Yonah's across the board in MacBooks and the 2.16 and 2.33 Merom's in the MBP. Plus a new enclosure at WWDC for MBP.

    Get saving Al!

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 5, 01:31 PM
    But Toyota wasn't jailbreaking. Didn't the courts rule that Apple couldn't stop the jailbreak community?

    Yes, but the ruling was based on the fact that it's all for 'personal use.'

    Once they start taking $$$ from multinational corporations it sure seem less like 'personal use,' doesn't it?

    I'm not a lawyer so I can't say for sure, but I sure thought Cydia was opening up a can of worms when I read about this yesterday. It's probably good for them that Toyota pulled out. I could see the jailbreak community getting less leeway with courts in the future if they start raking in millions of dollars. Then they suddenly start looking like a competing company trying to steal Apple's business, don't they?

    It may be legal for Cydia to do this, but I was quite worried that it would make their lives very unpleasent in the future if they kept it up. I like how all the jailbreakers in this thread are acting like this was a good thing. It honestly could have ended up being the thing that caused the most damage to jailbreaking!

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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 18, 04:56 PM
    Apple *have* patented the look of icons: http://www.edibleapple.com/apple-granted-eu-patents-on-24-ios-icon-designs/ and Samsung clearly infringes on them.

    (I'm not sure if a similar, US patent exists.)
    You can't patent the "look" of an icon in the U.S.
    You copyright it. :rolleyes:
    And I'd seriously doubt many of them would survive a court challenge.

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  • grue
    Apr 22, 12:51 AM
    How utterly retarded does one have to be to get to the point where they put workstations on top of the desk instead of on the floor where they belong? Do you really need to put your Apple computer next to your overpriced, glossy Apple display to prove yourself?

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  • planetdom
    Apr 22, 04:22 PM
    I dont understand why some people say the mac pro is for pro users only?when i wanted to buy a Mac i brought a Mac Pro because i didnt like the IMac because of the glossy screen and the way it is all in one unit if the screen packs up then bye bye mac,then i thought of the Mac Mini,that was a no because it doesnt have enough power...

    Then i dont understand why some people have to say the mac pro is a old design ok so the out side hasnt changed much maybe a few things like an extra optical drive and different ports,but the inside has changed a lot compared to the older mac pros much more cleaner than befour...

    I think it would be a shame to completely changed the design of the Mac Pro as it still is far much better than any PC design i have ever seen,maybe make the air holes smaller but thats all,i think the Mac Pro design still has a lot of life in it........I am not a pro user........

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  • SteveW928
    Mar 27, 02:16 PM
    There are claims by some analysts that Amazon is going to kick the crap out of Apple's Maiden, N.C. data center and Netflix in one quick shot with their own cloud service.

    Yea, Amazon is in a WAY better position technology wise, and track record wise with this kind of service. I guess we'll have to wait and see what Apple has up there sleeve.

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  • Tonsko
    Nov 8, 10:26 AM
    Just as an aside, something else to keep in mind, a reason I've found that companies like to spend a lot of money on security software (or indeed software in general) is down to internal politics. For instance, if the IT director expouses a theme of free software, and the company ends up with a virus (even one that 'paid for' solution wouldn't pick up), then he will be in the firing line for not being percieved as doing all he possibly could to prevent it. So using expensive, well software is an exercise in risk transferral.

    Back OT, I've not installed Sophos on my MBP yet, still waiting for more verdicts from you lot :)

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 2, 09:44 PM
    You win that one. :D Although I cannot find the product page for laptop Core 2 Duos, only those for the desktop.Carlos, Intel's web site is notoriously out of date. I have never been able to find any current info on their site. Do not expect to ever rely on the Intel website for up-to-date info about themselves. :rolleyes: It is an extremely poorly designed site.

    ALL the Core 2 Duo Processors are shipping including Merom Carlos.

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  • UrsaMajor
    Mar 30, 01:40 AM
    Only a few people here mentioned the bandwidth issues.

    Cloud storage is a great idea but will only work if we have unlimited flat rates to access it. You have to pay for storage, but then you need to pay for access either thru you 3G cap or the ever increasing ISP caps.

    ISPs are cracking down big time with people using stuff like Netflix around the clock.

    I can't see how any of this mobile stuff will get better with AT&T and t mobile going together. Feels like the aol per minute days.

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  • bdkennedy1
    Mar 28, 09:59 AM
    GOOD! I am tired of Apple's yearly release cycles.

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  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 26, 03:55 PM
    Just a sample size of one, but I'm a good example of a customer that Apple might not get:

    Sprint user for years. Good discounts, etc. and the service has worked fine for me over the years. For me to switch carriers for an iPhone I'd spend $40-$50 a month more. As much as I want an iphone (I own a 3gs I use internationally and really like it), unless Apple and Sprint make a deal I'm probably gonna end up with an Android phone to replace my barely functional Palm Pre. I'm heading out of the country for a couple months, hopefully Sprint has the iPhone when I return, haha...

    Another name for a sample size of one. An anecdote... ;)

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  • 0tim0
    Apr 18, 03:08 PM
    Have you looked at the TouchWiz UI? It's almost identical to iOS - dock at the bottom, pages of icons in a grid and you even remove applications in the same way as you do on the iPhone. I've nothing at all against competition for iOS, but they shouldn't just rip the design off


    Wow, that does look familiar!

    It looks just like the original Palm UI....

    Maybe HP should sue Samsung instead :rolleyes:


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  • Unorthodox
    Aug 11, 09:02 AM
    Booooooo! Boooooo! :mad:
    I want my MBP now! :mad:
    Next month! :mad:

    So does that mean MacWorld Paris?

    Why would they give the Macbook that but leave the iMac with the original Core Duo? Doesn't make sense. I would think all three would get it or just the Macbook Pro.
    Actually I think they should keep the mini and MB with the older processors; but lower the price.
    Remember the Pro in MacBook Pro stands for PRO! So it should be better.

    I need coffeeeeee......

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  • Jape
    Dec 20, 09:17 PM
    Ok, its the 20th...lets see what email we get next from BLT.

    Well looks Like it didn't come again :(

    Apr 10, 11:48 AM
    Please go back and read my previous posts.


    You essentially say that math, which humans use as a language, is taught incorrectly in regards to evaluating expressions because there is a "right way" of doing it without going into how one should evaluate it.

    Order of operations is paramount to understand as it is a fundamental concept yet you state that following the order of operations is wrong in this case...why?

    Apr 24, 03:06 PM
    Uhmm, how about 640x480? Or less, with the vic 20.

    I had an early PC that sported an amazing 16 color resolution at 320x240. When I later upgraded to 256 colors, I was convinced that computers were the ultimate multimedia machine.

    Apr 21, 05:05 PM
    I think the next Mac Pro refresh will be a huge milestone. Not only will it be the first case redesign in nearly a decade and add all the latest tech (USB3, sata III, thunderbolt, etc) but I believe Apple will take this opportunity to finally revise the pricing structure. Over the past few years, Apple has been making a clear shift towards the consumer market. Part of that is arguably negative ("dumbing things down") but the positive is more reasonable prices. The Mac Pro is the only computer left that hasn't been revised. My hope is that Apple will create a few models of the new Mac Pro, at least one of which is an affordable mid-range consumer tower starting under the the $2,000 mark.

    Unfortunately, they will probably wait to use the new performance desktop/server sandy bridge CPUs which Intel won't have ready until Q4 2011 (or later). If that's true then we won't see these new beauties until 1H 2012. :(

    If anything the pro will increase in price as its very much close to the price of the 27" iMac, which is hampering its sales. Also, don't hold your breath for USB3 - as far as Apple's concerned, USB3 is a dead technology.

    Mar 29, 02:20 PM
    Can I just say I am amazed at some of the responses on this thread. Typical American and often I must admit British protectionism coming straight out like a bad smell. Without these so called "3rd world" workers Apple would be a lowly player. Firstly Japan is not "3rd world". It is one of the most developed countries in the world, and has some of the most adept and intelligent people on this planet. Secondly, the term "3rd world" and "1st world" is offensive. The proper term is developing and developed world. Thirdly, I am sure that we will all be fine if we dont get a few iPod batteries or glue. People have died over there and continue to die because of this tragedy. This is surely more important than a load of old microchips. Sorry. Rant over.


    I agree that we will "all be fine" if the world faces iPod touch shortages. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't be upset about it - can I not care about the people who lost their lives or had their lives turned upside down AND a company that will face problems? The two are not mutually exclusive.

    Aug 7, 02:09 PM
    If that is what you want, Apple won't mind at all if you buy a Macintosh to run Windows.
    It's almost at the price point where the OS comes for free, so a Windows OEM install wouldn't make much of a dent on top...

    It's a very tasty option if you qualify for education pricing, the dual 2GHz/160GB option tips the scales at a measly �1350 all-in. Knew there was a reason for marrying a teacher.

    The final, killer point though: video cards. Presumably we don't yet know if a standard PC video card would work, right?