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Saturday, May 21, 2011

derrick rose bulls number

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  • Shadow
    Aug 2, 11:46 AM
    Yes and Bill Gates is expected to release Vista at the same conference. Seriously, all this happening (Mac Pros, iMac Core Duo, new iPod Nanos, iPhone, new MBPs, ect) in one conference is unlikley. Mac Pros are a given, thats all I'm saying (so I dont look stupid when it doesnt happen :p).

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  • Sol
    May 6, 05:16 AM
    That came out of the blue. Running current applications on the next Rosetta would probably mean a negligible loss in speed. It does not matter, as native software will be iOS based and there is a thriving market for those already.

    It all brings back memories of the PPC days. Apple must be confident about their ability to keep up with advancements by Intel and AMD. Considering the pace the iPad and iPhone processors have been getting upgraded I would guess that they can do it.

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  • Piggie
    Apr 24, 05:57 AM
    That issue could have been largely solved if they had just faced a standard high end GPU with the intake facing towards the back and the exhaust on the side. But Apple is too vain to put a vent on the rear of the iMac to accomodate the intake of a high quality GPU, let alone a slim exhaust vent on the side.

    If they had simply used a standard GPU like that it would have opened up quality gaming on the Mac and made it simple to upgrade to newer cards so that people didn't have to chuck the entire computer every time they wanted a new video card.

    I'm sure you are right.

    Given a bit of good design work on Apples part, when I say good design I mean, technically good as opposed to artistically good.

    And in conjunction with Nvidea/ATI (personally I still like Nvidea as they seem more on the ball with Tessalation and Cuda programming for offloading CPU work onto the GPU)

    A "Spread out" design, given the large rear metal surface are of an iMac and a few very neat vents to pull in cool air using a slow well designed fan, from the side or bottom and exhausting the warm air on the other side/top could be well within technical possibilities. And would address the weak spot Apple have had for a decade or two.

    But, as has been said, Apple seem to fear this market as they seem to think they can't compete, and if you know you can't compete it's best not to enter the race. They want to go for poorer quality graphics, or we can use the term that sounds better than that.

    The casual gamer.

    Quite why this Apple created concept to cover their weak point should be happy with less quality/detail is unsure to me.

    It's like saying people what watch films all the time and enjoy them should have the best picture quality we can deliver.

    However, those who just watch the occasional movie should be happier with a lower quality image.

    Kind of a strange concept when you think about it. and really we should all accept it's just a created excuse to excuse away a weak area as I said.

    But, as you quite rightly said. Apple are too vein to spoil, in their mind the cosmetic look of an iMac by adding in cooling slits to allow for higher end graphics cards.
    A shame really as if they had taken graphics a lot more seriously 15 or 20 years ago, they could be kings of this sector now.

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  • ptysell
    Apr 26, 04:17 PM
    "Android" makes money? Really? Can you provide me with a link of how much Android makes?

    Googles revenue from the entire Android platform is just under 1 billion dollars per yer.

    On the other hand Apples revenue is 1.4 billion per quarter for iTunes alone.

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  • aafuss1
    Sep 11, 09:16 AM
    Good find!

    I'd like to see iPod5/6th Gen tubes, similar to the nano's.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 10:43 AM
    The info circulating around is false.


    PS shouldn't you be at your gym right now? It's Monday morning, after all.

    Good one. Like anyone on MR goes to the gym! Pshh!

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  • wangagat
    Jul 21, 03:35 PM
    Remind us about what? Please be a little less cryptic because some people are tired here :p

    lol sorry... just saying that products dont necessarily have to wait the 6 month grace period before bein upgraded.

    iMac was drastically upgraded from G5 to Core Duo after just 3 months.

    Could be the same with the current line-up.

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  • MikeTheC
    Nov 26, 10:31 AM
    There are already GNU/Linux based cellphones. And what about the iPhone implies that it would be open in a way that, say, an average Nokia isn't? I appreciate they ported GNU/Linux to the iPod, but for the most part the reason similar things haven't happened on more regular cellphones has been an issue of the amount of work involved, with it being somewhat harder to write a GSM stack from scratch and port a kernel than it is to simply port an off-the-shelf kernel. (And I guess there's the additional issue that there are six zillion cellphones using about one quillion completely incompatible hardware platforms, whereas there are only a handful of MP3 players and only one that's achieved marketshare heaven.)

    Oh, sure. But GNU/Linux could slowly introduce a standardized set of cell phone hardware platforms to build from, just like Intel and AMD and ATI (now a part of AMD, of course) and NVidia produce reference platform hardware that then anyone can make a compatible motherboard/daughter card from, what needs to happen is to have one particularly successful and particularly popular cell phone interface, and then (potentially) everyone would be clamoring to sell it to their customers.

    Now, the difference between cell phones and computers is in the history. Cell phones achieved popularity and mass market penetration before a unifying hardware platform or OS platform came into being; whereas computers didn't achieve that kind of success until afterward. So really the dynamic and all the sequencing here is different.

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  • Dustman
    Apr 24, 08:04 PM
    It seems highly likely to me that Apple will start rolling in retina everywhere in the near future. It would make sense for them to use ultra high resolution screens in its products to one up PC manufacturers and further differentiate themselves from PCs. It would also add to the 'Premium' experience that Apple likes to sell people on.

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  • yellow
    Mar 28, 11:28 AM
    Hmm.. interesting turn of events.

    Though I will still wait until that time gets closer and the speculation changes/gets more accurate, I suppose there's no reason not to go ahead and ditch this P.O.S. Blackberry for an iPhone.

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  • George Carlin
    Apr 7, 08:11 PM
    I don't know if I buy this whole shortage thing.

    If there is such a big shortage, why aren't people/businesses creating more production plants and capitalizing on the demand (which is only getting started from the looks of it). Where there is serious demand there is serious $$$ to be made!

    It seems like basic economics to me but I've been wrong before...

    Lg and Samsung both are completing multi billion $ plants mid 2011 for OLED panels that next gen iPhones and iPad's will use - Apple has already ordered over $7 billion $ of production to run on these lines.

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  • iMeowbot
    Nov 23, 12:54 PM
    o.O Mactracker has no information on this. Do you have links? I would be very interested in seeing a pict of it.
    The product was called PowerCD (http://guides.macrumors.com/PowerCD).

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  • linuxcooldude
    Apr 21, 02:53 PM
    Making the width & height those dimensions, might make the length a lot longer. I could see space requirement problems & how would placement be effected without it being rack mounted?

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  • tuna
    Mar 29, 09:23 AM
    You can't even begin to compare this service to MobileMe's current offerings. This is just space. (And a music player.) MobileMe offers address book, calendar, photo browsing, and other features.

    Those services are readily available for free elsewhere. I used to subscribe to MobileMe back when it was the only reliable way to get push email, calendar, and contacts on my iPhone. Since then Google services have been allowed to be compatible and work about as well. I let my MobileMe subscription lapse. Towards the end, the only thing I was using my MobileMe for was the iDisk.

    Huh? :confused: I think redundancy is the only valid argument here. What do you mean by bandwidth? Transfer speeds uploading to the cloud are hideous compared to USB 2.0. Syncing tools are also readily available for any external drive. External drives barely use any power, 20W during access. Processing power? You're not compressing or analyzing data. Just transferring and storing it. :confused:

    Those are the costs associated with the cloud. You have to send the data over the internet and you have to build servers to support the storage space. In return you get unlimited access anywhere. My dropbox folder syncs across 3 computers and is easily accessible by my iPhone, plus I have shared folders with other users that sync across all my computers plus all the computers of my friends. That is value-added over simply buying an external hard drive.

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  • chugg
    Apr 18, 03:23 PM
    Yay go Apple. From the little guy everyone cheered for to the ... big guy that sues everyone and still has everyone cheering for.

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  • thenewperson
    Mar 29, 09:10 AM
    I think Apple will probably have the same deal as Amazon.

    Amazon just beat them to the punch with this launch.

    The deal from Apple will be that you will get 5GB when you open a account in Mobile Me and you will pay $20 for 20GB of space.

    This might be the revamp that everyone is talking about with Mobile Me.

    What do you guys think?

    I think you're right.

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  • portishead
    Apr 21, 06:29 PM
    Just what I want. iMac is nice, but I'd rather have the power of a tower. It's just too bulky. Cut the size in half, and throw a couple thunderbolt ports on it. Add a couple SSD slots, and lose the superdrive & PCIe slots. If you want something nice without wires, get an iMac. Ideally, I'd want something between an iMac and Mac Pro, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

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  • generik
    Sep 16, 07:52 AM
    Now THAT's what I would like:

    "Since the release of the 15 inch MacBook Pro in January, speculation on the forthcoming Apple laptops is spreading throughout the net. Meanwhile, MacosXrumors has received a very unexpected report, providing information about one of the forthcoming MacBook Pros.

    The sources that can be qualified as �very reliable� (yes you read it well), are claiming that Apple plans to keep similar display size for its entry level Mac Book Pro by releasing what sources called an �ultra-thin 12 inch Mac Book Pro�."

    Source: www.macosxrumors.com

    I would buy one on the same day.

    Omg omg omg!!!

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  • BMcCoy
    Mar 27, 01:00 PM
    iPad 2 HD

    coming september 2011

    $999 / �799

    same specs and design as 64GB iPad 2, but with 2048x1536 screen, at 264ppi.

    Sep 16, 08:18 AM
    MBP at Photokina? Yes.

    Sep 15, 06:18 PM
    I ordered my MBP today... the ship date isn't until the 20th? It said 24 hours on the site...

    A clue?


    Apr 21, 04:49 PM
    If it doesn't have Lights Out Management, it isn't a server. Our datacenter doesn't even allow servers without LOM into the building, and I agree with that policy. There's more to making a server than turning it sideways and bolting it to a rack.

    Apr 18, 02:56 PM
    Have you looked at the TouchWiz UI? It's almost identical to iOS - dock at the bottom, pages of icons in a grid and you even remove applications in the same way as you do on the iPhone. I've nothing at all against competition for iOS, but they shouldn't just rip the design off

    Looking at the TouchWiz UI, I see your point.

    But, at what point does an interface become too generic? For example, the concept of pages of icons in a grid isn't really new or innovative. The concept of swiping across screens is simple and intuitive and should be standardized
    (e.g. copied) for that exact reason. Should other phone makers put the icons in a circle, "just because" they need to be different? Should they force you to do something differently just because the best and most intuitive way was "already taken"?

    Everyone loves car analogies, so: what if Ford decided to sue other carmakers because they copied their steering wheel design? Would other companies have been forced to adopt other types of controls -- joysticks or dials or foot pedals, perhaps -- "just because"? And would that have been good for the auto industry?

    Apr 4, 03:42 PM
    Only for a year. Fill up that 20 Gigs and a year later you can either empty it down to the free 5, or pony up.

    Not if you buy your music from Amazon and have it saved to your cloud storage be default. All mp3 purchases from Amazon (so long as cloud storage is set as your default when purchasing) are stored free in the cloud and don't count against your storage limit. You can download it to your Mac/PC later (while leaving it in the Amazon cloud) and add it into your iTunes library on your local storage if you'd like.

    This is actually a much better thing for me, as if I'm away from my home computer, I can still buy music, have it go to the cloud by default, and immediately have it available to both any computer that runs the cloud player and my phone without having to wait to go home and purchase through iTunes and sync a device.