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Saturday, May 21, 2011

cute updos for prom 2011

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  • dclocke
    Sep 19, 02:29 AM
    2. It won't be any cooler and it won't have greater battery life, period. Unless Apple has an amazing new design in store.

    I know there are conflicting sources on this issue. But here it is anyway:

    These tests were conducted with no powersave features and wireless disabled. For what it's worth...

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  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 27, 06:41 PM
    The whole birther thing just confirms my belief that these people are born with a total lack of a sense of shame. This "layers" nonsense is stupid enough, but we all know it's going to continue (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42786288/ns/politics-decision_2012/) far beyond even that.

    The publisher of an upcoming book questioning the circumstances of President Barack Obama�s birth took credit Wednesday for fueling conspiracy theories about the president�s origins, saying he paid for an army of private detectives in Hawaii and provided information about the issue to Donald Trump.

    Joseph Farah, the founder and chief executive officer of World Net Daily, a conspiracy-mongering website with its own publishing arm, also said he has no intention of standing down despite the White House�s release of the so-called long form birth certificate showing that Obama was born in the state of Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961, as he always has said.

    �I�m not apologizing for nothing,� a defiant Farah said in a telephone interview with NBC News, insisting there are still questions about Obama�s citizenship aside from where he was born.

    The comments by Farah underscore Obama�s observation Wednesday that hard-core birthers are unlikely to be persuaded by any evidence, no matter how compelling....

    Farah, who still believes there was foul play associated with the death of Clinton White House lawyer Vince Foster, would seem to be a perfect example....

    In fact, Farah said, Obama�s citizenship, not his birth, is actually the principal theme of World Net Daily�s upcoming book by Jerome Corsi titled, �Where�s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.� Corsi first garnered headlines in 2004 as one of the architects of the so-called �Swift Boat� attacks on John Kerry�s war record....

    (Farah) insisted the document must still be more fully analyzed before he accepts it as authentic. �I think it will take us a little while to examine this and determine if it�s legitimate....�What a rube. And paired with Jerome "Of" Corsi, yet. :D Now there's a beacon of light and truth.

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  • aricher
    Sep 13, 09:56 AM
    Clovertown is a 64-bit CPU.

    Ask your PC-loving IT guy if he uses Windows XP64 and more than 4 gigabytes of RAM. If not, then 32-bit processors are apparently okay for him, too.

    hee hee - thanks.

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  • BBC B 32k
    Jul 27, 10:13 AM
    I am just waiting to pull the trigger and get myself a 20"er. Hurry up with those chips Mr Jobs. Ah and where has the wireless mouse/kbd option gone in the store? Maybe they will be free with the upgraded iMacs. :p

    What a world away from the G5 iMacs these beasts will be. Still when (not if) they are out I will prob. start waiting for the chinless 23" wonder - my ideal requirement.

    Must hold out...

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  • *LTD*
    Mar 26, 07:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How does Rosetta hold back forward progress exactly? It's just small extension for the OS. It's not like it's Classic.

    It's crap that is no longer needed.

    Stuff that can be cut out but isn't, holds back progress. Progress = cutting and more cutting and then perfecting what's left over.

    Rosetta isn't necessary to run today's apps (or even apps released over the past 2-3 years.) So it needs to go.

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  • Yanwoo
    Aug 6, 02:00 PM
    Was just trying to price out an IMac on the Apple store and the option of upgrade the keyboard/mouse to a wireless version was gone??

    Something new in the offing to be announced tomorrow perhaps??

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  • Evangelion
    Apr 8, 05:03 AM
    [B]Until Apple can get more of its own stores it needs BB more than BB needs it. So I doubt Apple went all hurt or p.o.'d girlfriend on them.

    The problem is not the number of retail-locations selling iPads, the problem is number of iPads in those stores. Now that BB is out of the picture, other retailers can receive more units. Now Apple can stop supplying BB-stores, and use those units to supply some other stores instead. You know, stores that actually sell the product to a customer?

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  • Funkymonk
    Apr 19, 01:32 PM
    I'm surprised to see iPhones have outsold iPod Touches by so much; I've never really considered the figures but just assumed that there would be way more iPod Touches around than iPhones.

    why? iphones outselling itouches by so much makes sense to me.

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  • littleman23408
    Dec 7, 08:10 AM
    I settled for 2nd on that test. Gold isnt worth the aggravation.

    I found a youtube vid of a guy showing him get gold. I am getting oh so close to mimicing him and getting 1st. I almost decided to stay up all night last night if I had to, but then I chose otherwise. Maybe I will try a couple more times later tonight.

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  • lsvtecjohn3
    Mar 22, 02:09 PM
    Lack of Flash support is the achilles heel of iPad. I hope Jobs gets off his high horse and relents.

    He's not because of the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch they're pushing HTML5 forward


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  • ugp
    Jun 15, 07:48 PM
    This has to be the worst a pre-order has ever gone in history. Better preparation needs to be made in the future to avoid these problems.

    I was able to get Apples site to get to the final stage and "Place Order" but I opted not to. I am first on the list at my local Radio Shack and I will take my chances there. I am not going to be able to be home when the iPhone would deliver. If I have to wait I will wait. My friend is the Manager and he would process my ticket for me if he had to and drop it off to me if it doesn't come launch day. Otherwise I will be there the 24th in the morning at opening.

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  • ryanlaing
    Apr 10, 01:41 AM
    A bit of selective hearing on the part of MacRumors with the quotes they chose to use. At first the video sounds great, dude is hyping what he saw from Apple. But later he gets called out from another speculating Apple is making a very significant change and distancing Final Cut from the real 'pro' users, dumbing it down, etc, and the guy who has seen it gets real quiet.. He is asked if he will update his editing studio's workflow to the new Final Cut, and he basically danced around the question, pleaded the 5th, and made it pretty clear that he is holding back some reservations about how the industry will adapt to the changes.

    Personally I'm very interested to see what they do, I'm sure it will have huge improvements on real time rendering and performance, sounds like the whole thing is being rewritten. But it does worry me that the program could become more for mass audience and no longer the pro application it has been for the past decade.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 28, 12:40 PM
    And you sure do like to talk in circles. So doubting and not believing the certificate is legitimate are two different things. What in the heck are you talking about?? You birthers are all alike...in the face of being proven wrong, you just try to make stuff up as you go along.
    I ask you whether Rockwell Blake would be a competent President of the United States. You reply, "I have no idea. Who's Rockwell Blake?" You don't believe that he would be a competent President of the United States. You don't doubt that he would do that. You haven't formed any opinion about whether he would be a competent one.

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  • leekohler
    Mar 3, 12:04 PM
    I goofed. I misinterpreted what Lee said about sodomy. He said that not all homosexuals engage in sodomy. I thought he thought homosexual sex was not sodomy. Unfortunately, too often, when I'm impulsive, I misinterpret what others write.

    I don't look down on anyone here. I didn't look down on anyone here. I'm sorry I gave the impression that I did that. I'm sorry I've written insultingly, too. I didn't mean to do that.

    Sadly, I sometimes do react emotionally when I should react rationally instead. And I do need to try harder to comprehend what others say.

    Fair enough. Now let's move along. ;)

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 12:27 PM
    I guess you missed the part where the one that is being shown is a certified copy.

    Maybe?? For someone who isn't a birther, you sure sound like one.

    Apparently the short form wasn't convincing enough...which is why the long form has now been presented.
    I suspected it was a copy, I've never trusted the president, and I probably never will. It's one thing to doubt that the certificate is legitimate. It's quite another to believe that the certificate is not legitimate.

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  • jmbear
    Nov 29, 12:39 PM
    See, that's the catch-22 for new artists. The labels are the ones that get tunes played on the radio. In the 50's and 60's they would strong-arm their stuff in, but I'm sure even nowadays they provide incentives (read: bribes) to get new stuff on the air. Especially if they think the band is really good and will make it in the long run. And don't fool yourself into thinking a new band can get huge without radio.

    The internet can become the new radio. I am quite fond of looking for pre-made playlists, I will get the songs on LimeWire, listen to them, the ones I like, I buy legally, the ones I don�t I delete them. You don�t get commercials, just music. I am not saying that radio is going to dissapear completely. TV didn�t kill it. But its importance will diminish.

    The problem is that the labels get the artists by the balls when they sign them up to ridiculous contracts. Your 1-4 examples look pretty good on paper, but in order to sell any significant number of copies of their music, anyone wanting it (but doesn't know it yet) has to wade through tons of (what that persons sees as) crap just to get any exposure to something they'll consider good. I'm sure there's a lot of music in the indie catalog that I would just love, but I don't have the time to wade through it all to find it. Instead, I'll listen to the radio and when I hear something I like, I'll try to pay attention to who it is. I may or may not end up buying it, or checking out what else they do, but without radio exposure, most good indie bands don't have a chance in hell of selling to anyone except those that happen to be in the bar where they're playing one weekend..

    iTMS could potentially change this. There are some people that will do all the research for you (as in what is good music), then ratings will allow you to get the good songs! It�s similar (and somebody will flame me for saying this) to researching a product on Amazon or CNET, you usually look for a LCD screen, all the results pop, and you will go for the ones with the highest ratings, read the comments and eventually make up your mind. Some day you will look up for electronic music (which I love), all the DJ�s will pop, you will pick the highest rated songs or playlists (because most people like a song because other people like it), listen to their songs for free (yeah, just like radio), and then buy them if you want.

    Now, if you take a look at already established and popular bands, that's a different story. Someone mentioned huge bands like Pink Floyd. Their last couple of CDs didn't need a big label to sell. People were going to buy it if they like Floyd no matter what. And in a case of that kind of popularity, the radio stations were going to play them with or without a major label. The same could be applied to other huge (classic) rock bands, as well as established artists in other music styles (country, rap, R&B, blues, etc...). Another example would be someone like Eric Clapton. He could put one out on "Clapton Records" and would sell nearly, if not exactly, the same number of CDs as he will on a major label..

    I agree record labels + good music = superstars like Calpton, Floyd, U2 etc... But these bands became popular in a different time (before the internet). Internet is changing the record labels� business model, and that is what they afraid of. The new wait of creating bands and distributing their music is not as profitable for them as it used to.

    Unfortunately, the number of artists (of any type of music) that could dismiss the labels and still sell as many CDs and get the same radio exposure are limited. And any new band is going to go nowhere without radio (or MTV/VH1) exposure.

    Internet is offering them exposure. Right now MTV and VH1 are still popular. But YouTube, Yahoo!, MSN could become the new MTV and VH1.

    Not really relevant, but interesting to think about is that most of you have probably seen the video of the ruma ruma guy (I can�t link it because I am at work and the proxie does not allow me to visit YouTube). But how many have actually seen the video for the song? YouTube made that fat kid a star, and most people probably know his face better than the guys that sing the song. Exposure.

    In the end, I don't see the labels going away totally any time soon. They're in cahoots with the big FM music stations and in general, they do a good job of promoting new good bands that sign up. It's just a shame that there's really nothing to keep them from raping the artists. If there were just some way for new bands to get exposure to the masses without having to sell their souls to the labels then things would be better. Unfortunately, the Internet can only go so far in helping a new band with this.

    I agree, they won�t go away anytime soon, but change is coming, and change will be good for artists and consumers, not for the record labels.

    Sorry for my weird grammar or mispells, I am not a native english speaker, I don�t have a spell checker on this computer (in english at least) and I am too lazy to proof read what I wrote lol :)

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  • Macnoviz
    Jul 20, 08:07 AM

    It looks like 2006 won't be like 1984

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  • sanmiguel
    Aug 12, 07:15 AM
    fake obviously but it seems like a nice possibility....


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  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 06:02 PM
    oh, btw, i did some of my own investigations and found this site:


    which may mean that the standard cards are compatible with mac os x now.You can get the 7xxx series in the Power Mac G5.

    Jul 14, 03:56 PM
    This means that the 2.7 GHz G5 of a year ago or more would still be a high for CPU speeds for the PowerMac/MacPro line. We already have dual dual 2.5 GHz G5 a year ago. An increase to 2.66 GHz means that either 2008 or 2009 we will see the promised 3 GHz PowerMac/MacPro.

    Any bets on which year it will be?

    Bill the TaxMan

    I think we'll see more cores per cpu before we see 3GHz. IMHO, 4,8 or more cores at 2.66 is far better than 1 or 2 cores at 3GHz.

    Jun 22, 03:27 PM
    I am in Southwest NJ by Philadelphia, Gloucester county.

    Apr 25, 02:54 PM
    Anybody doing credit card fraud would have a somewhat better chance of staying undetected if they knew you usually whereabouts. Credit card companies use highly evolved software to track if a CC transaction is unusual.

    I think it is save to assume that most people do not store their credit card number in plain text on their computer. If some piece of software (eg, a browser) would do this, wouldn't this be something you preferred it would not do?

    Ahhhh..... dude... I'm more worried about my wallet being stolen.

    Again... the tower tracking does nothing and for your average crook to put your iPhone database together with your physical credit card... for what? They slash and burn not sit there and try and sort out if you go to Target or JC Penneys more. What do they care?

    Come one people... think and come back to earth.

    Jul 20, 07:37 PM
    yeah, what he said. Apple does not have to distinguish powermacs from servers with processor speeds. People (businesses) who need servers are not going to buy powermacs to do the job even if they are a little bit faster or cheaper; they are going to buy real rack-mounted servers.
    Now you're not thinking like a competitive company that needs to continue to make money.

    Sun is on the ropes and Apple now has a chance to soar in and take a lot of business from them.

    Aug 11, 10:22 AM
    What OS will the iPhone be running?

    OS Xm