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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Armani Prive 2010

Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 10:17 AM
    It would be nice - in theory - to have a hyper-fast wireless connection; however, what does it matter if my outside line stays at 2M/512k speed? The B-spec is perfectly fine for quite some time.
    Personally the only thing the speed helps is within a network. You see I have a mac server (old G4 B&W) that holds all my music and photos to be broadcasted over the connection. If I want to transfer some songs or photos to e-mail, well it helps to have the extra speed. But your right thats really minimally helping...

    the big help would be range. I mean G was supposed to make covering a whole house no problem, but guess what I reguarly spot out a floor below and to the left. I'm about to install two extenders, so I actually get service throughout the house :rolleyes: .... hopefully with n, I wouldn't have to wry about that.

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • ro2nie
    Jul 18, 10:55 AM
    Apple don't want to be left out of this online movie thing. They tried to convince the studios, but they couldnt, so I think they have no choice but to make it a rental service before it's too late

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Feb 24, 12:07 AM
    on a random note just so you know switching to diesel you need to improve your MPG by around 30% for the switch to be carbon neutral. Remember Diesel as a lot more carbon in it per unit volume than unleaded.
    Because it's more crude. The carbon is sapped out through a refining process, meaning all that crap sucked out of the earth still ends up somewhere it's not supposed to be -- meaning diesel is just as carbon neutral as gasoline.

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • Doctor Q
    Aug 16, 12:59 PM
    I don't know how credible this particular Digitimes story is, but I can't imagine that Apple isn't working on wireless iPod capability. It won't be all things to all people, but it's probably necessary because it'll open the door to more features, because more and more consumers expect gadgets to have wireless capabilities, and because Apple wants to stay well ahead of all competition.

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • tuartboy
    Nov 28, 10:10 AM
    "Microsoft is going to put tons of money in this over time, much like they did with the Xbox" video game console, she said. "It's not about the first generation (of devices)."

    Isn't the non-360 version of the Xbox the first generation?

    Didn't it sell very well?

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • iSpoody 1243
    Jun 22, 07:46 PM
    ios4 apps on the dashboard would be cool
    thats about it

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Akme
    Mar 31, 12:23 PM
    Anyone else having their menu bar go black regularly? Have to switch into Launchpad (or similar) to get it back to normal. It's often accompanied by the fan spinning up, so I'm assuming it's some sort of issue related to graphics switching/drivers.

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • diamond.g
    Mar 24, 02:03 PM
    Can it run crysis 2?

    of course, didn't you hear the consoles can run it too...

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • smithrh
    Apr 10, 06:01 PM
    Harley-Davidson doesn't make automatics. I never learned to drive automatic anyhow, I wouldn't have the first clue what to do in one of them. What does P R N D 2 1 even mean ?

    OK, so apparently you don't have experience with automatics...

    Actually, you're wrong on both premise. On crowded roads, manuals are better. No need to constantly hit the brakes, you can better control a car's speed with a manual with compression and clutch manipulation. In traffic, I hardly ever touch the brakes.

    But yet you have an opinion on how superior your choice of manuals is.

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • spiffyfitz
    Aug 16, 12:30 PM
    I sure hope they announce something about an Apple phone soon. Im sooooooo tempted to get the LG Chocolate.

    It's a shame there's almost no way Verizon will carry an Apple branded phone. I just don't see it happening. Looks like I'll have to get an LG Chocolate for music on the go...

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • beagleybeagley
    Apr 19, 11:28 AM
    What's up with the consumer MacBook timeline?

    We've been waiting for its refresh. Are they just trying to make me jump at the bottom end MacBook Pro? (Of course they are!)

    I hereby request a MacBook rumor, end of the week at the latest. Please deliver. :-)

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • JFreak
    Jul 14, 12:46 AM
    Maybe if there was more media available in blue-ray format, I would be more excited.

    There will be more media once there are more players, and there will be more players once there is more media. Which goes first? Players, naturally. Apple and the rest of the industry will just have to begin selling the players, and then the content will follow. Very soon I'd guess. The new Blu-Ray media can be sold at premium, so I think there will be a lot of discs to buy once certain threshold of players have been installed.

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • citizenzen
    Mar 27, 09:23 AM
    Really? How shocking! Imagine, the US European Command, headed by an American! Next you'll be telling us that the US President is an American, too.

    It's all rather academic isn't it?

    Instead of a military action led by the U.S., it's a military action led by the alliance that's led by the U.S.

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 10:44 AM
    I don't care about a measly speedbump. Begin to produce the media center already! How hard can it be? Just slap in a TV-card and beef up frontrow. done.
    ok, slightly over simplified... But I dont see why Apple procrastinate on this matter. They would sell a bundle by releasing an Apple "media center".

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 12:36 PM
    .You think my post is spam? :confused:

    well, if you post the same thing in several threads (especially if it's unrelated to the subject of the discussion), then yes, i think it's spam

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • dpaanlka
    Aug 7, 06:13 AM
    This should help..

    wow how did i miss that??

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • zoozx
    Sep 6, 10:29 AM
    Please explain to me who would buy a mini and why?
    I just don't get it when a imac is close in price with a monitor.
    What am I missing?

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Eric-PTEK
    Mar 24, 10:59 PM
    I would replace my Hack Pro with a Mac Pro if I had my choices of video cards.

    With dual processors and VM's I'd just run 2 30" screens, one with osX, one with Win7 in a VM.

    This is the biggest deficiency that Apple has.

    Armani Prive 2010. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • epitaphic
    Aug 25, 07:33 AM
    A mini for the well educated, performance orientated computer user

    Jan 11, 05:01 PM
    I am starting to think we will see both a Macbook and a MBP "lite" versions...that would really rock and force me to make a difficult decision about which one to get.

    13.3" MB
    12" MBP touch

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 12:41 AM
    Well, personally I would consider "loyalists" part of military assets. And I'm sure most generals do as well because that's the way they talk about killing soldiers. Thus inflicting "material" damage should include the people who operate the weapons via command.

    And one would figure that since there are a huge number of "defectors", some of these loyalists must be pretty hard-core and you'll have to kill them to prevent them from picking up a simple AK and IED later on and blow up things from the shadows. This might seem harsh, but the reality of it is that if they pick a side, they accept their fate as a loser.

    The UN mandate calls for a no-fly zone. Under current military doctrine that requires that the opponent's air defense network be degraded. Some military personnel will inevitably die when their air defense installations come under attack. Other than that, we don't have the authority to attack loyalists unless they are threatening the safety of civilians by bombarding rebel cities or some such, and then only if they can be clearly identified and attacked without risking civilian lives. Loyalist units that are simply surrounding a rebel strongholds are not legitimate targets at this stage.

    However, in light of the situation, I would understand the need to leave some "real warriors" alive and hope they join the new administration because looking at these rebels, they are mostly a bunch of city slickers or something that found a gun, see smoke, run toward the front lines all exited...to come right back carrying their dead in a bedsheet. It's a real joke how they handle this rebelion. If this is how it is, we're going to need troops on the ground to get these guys in shape...if not during...then after the supplanting of Quadafi.

    This is pretty much how any irregular force has behaved at any time in history (see the beginnings of the American and French revolutions for example) It's not something we can control. Some rebel units are made up of defected regular army units, they will undoubtedly form the core of any rebel advance and show better cohesion. By merely existing as a force in being the, the irregular units (or more correctly, loose bands) legitimize the opposition, and they've proven somewhat effective in defense.

    As for troops on the ground - this is a Libyan civil war. The UN's mission is to prevent Gaddafi from murdering his own people in his attempt to maintain power. The Libyans must do the rest.

    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the end result of all this is not at all dissimilar to the goings-on in Iraq.

    As long as we don't invade, this is unlikely to be as bad as Iraq. We are aiding a popular uprising against hated autocrat, not invading a foreign country with plans of occupation and prolonged rooting out of insurgents. There are still many potential pitfalls and I am not arguing that the situation is necessarily a good one, but it is certainly less risky than the 2003 Iraq invasion.

    May 2, 07:42 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    you people like to discuss about everything.

    Wanna talk about it? ;-)

    Mar 23, 07:16 PM
    I think that one thing a lot of people have missed is a very palatable shift in how anti-gay groups are viewed after the passage of Prop 8. No longer is using your religious beliefs to deny civil rights to gays and lesbians seen as acceptable, it's now joined the ranks of racism and many hate groups who rightfully are not given an elevated place in a civilized society. Prop 8 has been called Stonewall 2.0, but I think it is more like the first Stonewall for those outside of the gay community. It woke a lot of people up to how the GLBT community is treated by an oppressive majority (in the last year they are no longer the majority, a tipping point has been reached and hopefully there is no turning back).

    Good point. The "Straight Stonewall."

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 1, 02:45 PM
    But the damn things are noisy, and the exhaust smells really bad.

    That may be true of the huge American diesel truck engines, but go examine a new VW, BMW or Mercedes diesel and you'll see that this is just not the case anymore. They sound a little different, smell a little different, but not worse than gasoline - it's just that we are so used to gas engines that everything else is assumed to be worse somehow.