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Thursday, May 26, 2011

stars without makeup photos

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  • Without make up, Miley doesn#39;t

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 11:36 AM
    What part of


    did you not compute?Oh, I computed it all right. You took one possibility out of four in order to make your argument appear stronger.

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  • Stars Without Make-Up

  • Gelfin
    Mar 25, 01:26 PM
    Unfortunately, none of that is relevant to the original point of the thread. Looking back through the thread, Catholics and Catholicism were/ are the discussion. Not all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream'.

    It is entirely relevant. The leadership of the Catholic Church, as one very significant representative of a multitude of peer sects that engage in similar behavior, uses its political and rhetorical power to promote the attitudes that spread their own prejudice and enable prejudiced people, including a subset of extremists, to excuse themselves from the obligation to treat those people with fundamental dignity and respect.

    Had a more conservative member of this board attempted to 'stretch' the original point of the thread to included all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream', I would bet my life that ones attempting to 'stretch' the original point of this thread would jump down his or her throat in a second.

    First, I explicitly did not stretch the topic of the thread. I stretched an analogy about the topic of the thread. You are attacking as illegitimate something that didn't happen, and ignoring the legitimacy of what did.

    Second, it was a conservative, and now that I look you in fact, who introduced the word "mainstream" as a "no true Scotsman" weasel word to disclaim the association between "strongly held beliefs" that certain other people are not to be tolerated and extremists who take strong actions consistent with those beliefs. When you are as influential as a major religion, you cannot just go around saying such-and-such group is intentionally undermining and destroying everything decent in the world and not expect some impressionable half-wit with poor impulse control to take you seriously and act accordingly.

    Let me boil it down:

    (1a) Catholics (or anyone else) may believe what they like about gay people, so long as (1b) they don't try to force gay people to live consistent with those beliefs.

    In a like spirit of mutual respect, (2a) I'll think what I like about Catholics, particularly in regard to their attitudes about gay people, but (2b) I will not attempt to force them to believe otherwise or to behave inconsistently with their beliefs.

    Stipulating (1b) does not constitute denying (1a). However, Tomasi's whine in the first post asserts exactly the opposite, that to demand (1b) is itself a violation of (2b). If this is the case, if (1b) is held to be an unreasonable expectation, then mutual respect is likewise off the table, and Catholics are welcome to roll up (2b) and cram it in a spirit of defense of essential human rights against an aggressive assault.

    Take your pick. You get the respect you give.

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  • Stars Without Makeup

  • jeremyb66
    Apr 13, 02:02 AM
    So this is basically a jazzed up Final Cut Express and the pros have been shown the door. Why am I not shocked about this. :mad:

    Someday I'll tell my kids that Apple was the company for pros to which they will laugh in disbelief; kind of how I do now when old people tell me that American cars were once high quality.

    I think u r right about apple but I have I have a F150 XLT 2011 and it's great!

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  • 90210 Stars Without Makeup

  • bigwig
    Oct 27, 06:08 PM
    Multimedia, I was wondering if you could address the FSB issue being discussed by a few people here, namely how more and more cores using the same FSB per chip can push only so much data through that 1333 MHZ pipe, thereby making the FSB act as a bottleneck. Any thoughts?
    I don't know if Intel ever changed it, but one of the historical reasons you couldn't make a scalable multi-cpu x86 system is that x86s did bus snooping. Once you got more than ~3-4 x86s on the same bus the bus would be saturated by snooping traffic and there would be little room for real data. I think that's why Intel is pushing multi-core so much, it's a hack to work around Intel's broken bus. The RISC cpus (MIPS et al) didn't do that, that's why all the high cpu count systems used them.

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  • The Final Cut
    Feb 28, 12:49 AM
    Android to Surpass iPhone in Market Share by 2012?

    That's the second insanely improbable hypothesis for that year:)

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  • wovel
    Apr 21, 12:43 PM
    Yeah! My battery lasts for upwards of two days. Definitely not comparable at all to an iPhone.

    Inferior interface is subjective, and you've given no reference so that comment is irrelevant.

    Name me one app that you have on your iPhone that doesn't have a similar if not identical app on the Android Market.

    What phone do you have? My iPhone battery lasts 3 or 4 days if I don't do anything , who cares.

    Real Netflix App
    Any Game made by Epic
    About 2/3s of EAs games. (and the ones there only run on like 2 phones).

    This is just the beginning.. I could add 100 more if you like. Your free tethering is no different then getting free tethering on an iPhone. It is not carrier supported (At least on AT&T) and they will always be working to try and block it.

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  • World#39;s Scariest Stars Without

  • Hildron101010
    Apr 12, 10:22 PM
    Steve Jobs said the new version would be "awesome," well I disagree. He was completely wrong... IT IS FREAKIN' ASTOUNDING! Bravo Apple!

    For the PCs of tomorrow, look at the Macs of today.

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  • SimD
    Apr 12, 11:10 PM
    I remember a time when people discussed interesting news on MacRumors. :(

    stars without makeup photos. Stars Without Make-up
  • Stars Without Make-up

  • *LTD*
    Apr 10, 11:22 AM
    Epic is garbage and their engine is garbage.

    Six of one, a half dozen of the other.

    Big name is big name.

    And yeah, really garbage. :rolleyes:


    Pretty impressive, I'd say. But it won't just be Epic. Others are and will follow. Rest assured.

    stars without makeup photos. Friday (because it#39;s almost
  • Friday (because it#39;s almost

  • TomSmithMacEd
    Sep 20, 07:22 PM
    I read most of the comments and I cannot believe anyone else talked about the wonderful little program known as handbrake.

    Take your dvd's (or ones you rent... I know it's illegal) rip them.. put them on iTunes

    Have a server full of dozens/hundreds of dvd's that you can access at anytime through your iTV.

    I know it's not the most practicle way of doing this, but it is what I'll be doing if I purchase an iTV.

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  • rxse7en
    Oct 11, 01:40 PM
    Er... No rotation with nVidia? nVidia supports rotation on Windows, haven't tried it on Mac. I don't see any option for it on my G5, but I just assumed it was a limitation of the 30" Dell I'm using (doesn't rotate). Actually that's a dumb assumption. Weird... Wonder why.

    I'd like the link to that coupon as well too... Although it probably doesn't work with the current 15% off (which expires today, doesn't it?).

    Here ya go: http://forums.us.dell.com/supportforums/board/message?board.id=creativecontest&message.id=143&l=en&s=dhs

    stars without makeup photos. 20 Stars without makeup
  • 20 Stars without makeup

  • r1ch4rd
    Apr 22, 11:02 PM
    Dawkins might. As I said before, most atheists are agnostic atheists.

    I think the definition is a bit tricky to nail down. I don't think that theists know that there is a God. They just believe that there is. I think my belief is just as strong as that. They may argue otherwise.

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  • Madonna Without Makeup

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 10:07 AM
    Just convince Apple to buy SGI.

    At the rate SGI is going, I could probably buy SGI myself for whatever is in my pocket within the next year. Talk about a company that failed to follow the industry and adapt with the times... No point in anyone buying them, the only thing keeping them afloat is the few tidbits of technology they've licensed over the years, which is all just about obsolete now anyway. SGI hasn't had a new, innovative product in over 10 years. I think the first sign of the end was when SGI released their attempt at Windows workstations back in '98 and they were 1/3 the price and more than twice as powerful as any of their desktop Irix workstations. I ran a quad-CPU SGI540 for several years as a development server and render box with a dual-CPU SGI 340 as a workstation. Picked both of them up second-hand for a steal... Very nice systems, too bad SGI never followed through with support for them.

    Sad too because I essentially started doing commercial 3D graphics work on an SGI Indigo. Owned various SGIs over the years - Indy, a few Indigo2 models, O2 (crap), Octane... 1 Origin 200 server. Never considered buying Fuel or Tezro (their last two workstation attempts) -- way too expensive and very much underpowered compared to PC/Mac.

    stars without makeup photos. Stars without make-up: Cindy
  • Stars without make-up: Cindy

  • bleachthru
    Mar 18, 10:24 PM
    All I have to sya is F*&% the RIAA, They are just a bunch of profiteering gluttons anyways. Kudos to whomever cracked the DRM, good work.


    stars without makeup photos. Stars without make-up
  • Stars without make-up

  • Spectrum
    Aug 29, 06:07 PM
    You know what I hate about crap like this?

    People read it, and then point their respective (washed in soap with chemical additives and toxins) fingers at Appple, because it makes them feel good. "Yeah, this Apple stuff is crap!"

    Then they go drive a block down the street to get milk from a cow who's waste runoff pollutes the local river, sit down and watch their TV with power generated from a coal-spewing power plant while eating dinner from plastic packaging that came from oil that was refined at a plant that contaminates the environment.

    Unless you live on an uninhabited island, catch all your own food and generate your own power, you have no room to talk. None of us do.
    I understand your sentiment, but really, there are options. If people don't take them they are just being lazy/irresponsible.

    How about starting by:
    Buying biodegradable washing liquids/toiletries
    Walking to get the milk.
    Buying Organic.
    Buying your electricity from a vendor that sells renewable energy.
    Not buying pre-packaged foods.
    Refusing to have what you do buy to be double bagged, thank-you-very-much.
    Even - shock horror - take your own bag. Try one of these (http://www.onyabags.co.uk/index.htm)

    stars without makeup photos. World#39;s Scariest Stars Without
  • World#39;s Scariest Stars Without

  • anim8or
    Apr 13, 12:46 AM
    The BBC is also funded by money stolen from people as a punishment for owning a television. Let's not base conceptualizations of rational thought on their behavior.

    Here's a thought...

    The BBC is currently tightening it's budgets and making huge cuts to try and help keep the licence fee down. People will lose their jobs due to this fact so keep your greedy opinion to yourself.

    The public demand HD television from the BBC but they certainly don't realise the cost implications.

    So the licence fee us now fixed for the next 5 years thus causing cuts.

    The public can't have it all!!!

    And btw BBC staff get the sack immediately for failing to pay their own licence fee!

    Back on point, I don't think the BBC have purchased that amount of adobe licences or hardware to go with... I would know.

    stars without makeup photos. STARS WITHOUT MAKEUP AHHHHHHHH

  • dawindmg08
    Apr 13, 01:13 PM
    Everyone needs to sit back, have a cup of coffee and WATCH THIS:

    I think you'll find a lot of your questions answered. And if you still want to hate on it, then that's your prerogative.

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  • Celebrities Busted Without

  • chirpie
    Apr 13, 11:40 AM
    I'm not too familiar with the FC app, but I'm wondering if this FCSX is the newer version of the previous $999 application... Why'd they drop the price by ~$700?

    That's not quite right.

    The $999 application wasn't just an application, it was a suite of applications.

    Motion, Compressor, Soundtrack Pro, DVD Studio Pro... all of these apps were part of that $999 umbrella.

    That's why I'm surprised people are amazed by the price... it used to be this price when it was standalone a few years back.

    stars without makeup photos. Stars Without Make-Up
  • Stars Without Make-Up

  • Xibalba
    Oct 8, 07:11 AM
    The Snapdragon processor is an ARM design similar to the Cortex A9 (two-issue out-of-order) and starts at 1GHz, but uses less power as it includes the baseband processor. There are already handsets shipping using it, not Android ones yet.

    With three Android handset makers in stores now (Samsung, HTC, Huawei) and three more in stores before Christmas (LG, Acer and Motorola), Android is moving fast.

    this will be interesting to see but it still will be quite some time before we see some quality hardware devices for Android. time will tell.

    Sep 12, 06:58 PM
    Your clients represent the extreme minority of advertising content today. While that is changing, I concede, most advertisers are still in the old paradigm.

    Not the guys with the Money.

    The mom and pops perhaps, but all the players know what is coming and are preparing for it via cooperative partnerships, sponsorships, viral, geurilla, etc.

    May 5, 10:37 AM
    I have Verizon and I think I've had two dropped calls in years.

    AT&T really needs to get more towers up, that's the only solution in my mind.


    Oct 26, 11:28 AM
    Wow. You must be using some uber version of PS.
    I havent managed to break 110% whatever I am doing with my MP.
    You have the CS 3 or 4?

    Have you tought that that might be the reason for the high cpu usage? Eh? By any coincidence?

    No -- WE DO THIS KIND OF WORK EVERYDAY. We are a production lab with a 20 year history. We have used Photoshop in Isolation on multiple One Gig Files using Actions to process as many as 40 files at one -- so nearly 40 Gig.

    Run an RGB to CMYK conversion on a 1 Gig Photoshop file with embedded profiles -- watch activity monitor. See that all four processors kick in for this processes. Many Photoshop processes efficiently use all four processors.

    Besides the main point of the original post is that users don't see much improvement with Quad Cores --- this is just plain WRONG.

    Jul 12, 03:45 PM
    For people to view conroe as a lesser chip in some way smacks of mac snobbery and I tend to agree with him.

    ...but they are a lesser chip in some ways (more so if you also consider the chipset)...

    (not forgetting AMD in the following... just trying to keep it simple... also note when I say Conroe or Woodcrest I am also implying different class of chipsets)

    The simple fact is workstation class systems from most vendors (in recent history) are usually based on Xeon (now Woodcrest) CPUs with 2 sockets (if not more) while desktop class systems from most vendors are are based on Pentium 4/D (soon Conroe) CPUs with 1 socket.

    So the question is will Apple replace the PowerMac G5 with a true workstation class system, or will they split the PowerMac into a desktop tower and workstation with the former using Conroe and the later using Woodcrest, or will they use Conroe only (and for the moment not have a quad core system), etc.

    Historically I have stated that Apple will use Conroe in a PowerMac replacement and wait for Kentsfield to bring back the quad (doing that would give them great performance and price point)... but looking at the timing of things now (and Intel price drops) I am starting to believe either Apple will go all Woodcrest for the PowerMac (truly make it a workstation class system) or go all Woodcrest for a workstation Mac and bring out a lower end tower that uses Conroe.

    Sep 26, 09:17 PM
    I snipped nothing.

    The specific examples I refer to are putting applications in RAM, wherever that ram might be (ramdisc of main memory, ram based solid state drive on the drive bus, or memory drive on the graphics bus). Some applications greatly benefit from residing in RAM, such as compilers or image manipulators. Photoshop uses alot of swap space so you would need large ramdrives to benefit. I mainly am an advocate of ramdrives and see them underused in applications that would clearly benefit. Apple could gain some marketing points by simply offering such an option then bragging about it on TV of how a Mac is 20x as fast as a (stock) Dell :)


    On modern platforms, the OS will "cache" (in reality it's a bit more complicated, but the effect is the same) the executable(s) and library(/ies) necessary for an application to execute at runtime and keep them in RAM unless the system is memory starved. As such, the only thing a RAM drive should speed up on a modern system is initial program load times.

    RAM drives are (outside of corner cases like, say, for something like DB rollback logs) a crutch for systems with either insufficient real RAM (in which you should get more and let every aspect of the system benefit) or broken VM systems (in which case you should upgrade your OS and let every application benefit). Many of the methods you might have used to make your Mac II running System 7 faster don't really apply to modern OSes - RAM drives are one of them.