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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

prudential center seating

prudential center seating. the new Prudential Center
  • the new Prudential Center

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 21, 11:27 PM

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3n0vBcW5fc&feature=related :D

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center Seating
  • Prudential Center Seating

  • Multimedia
    Jul 25, 12:18 AM
    Can't wait to see it for sale.

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center
  • Prudential Center

  • fobfob
    Jun 6, 06:10 AM
    What if the 11 year-old had passed the bar exam?


    "Don't worry Mom, it says here we can sue the pants off them!"

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center Seating
  • Prudential Center Seating

  • rhett7660
    Jan 31, 09:59 AM
    So we have...
    -A few porn stars
    -A Ferrari
    -A briefcase of cocaine
    -Excessive alcohol consumption
    -A $30,000 check to a porn star

    ...how is this any different than 'Two and a Half Men'?

    I love this man.

    Classic... Now he is reportedly checking into rehab. Anybody else catch some of the pictures of him. Kind of reminds me of his Ferris Bueller character!

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center (End Stage
  • Prudential Center (End Stage

  • rovex
    Apr 14, 05:26 AM
    Delete post

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center Seating
  • Prudential Center Seating

  • the20pointmay
    Mar 31, 07:50 PM
    Not the polished app for final release I assume??

    Are there any pictures of the week view? I think if its another full-screen app, it would look really cool blown up. Makes me want to get an iPad even more now...

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center
  • Prudential Center

  • icerabbit
    Aug 15, 10:09 AM
    More important than an "empty" button I would like to see a restore function in the Trash, where you can highlight one or more files or folders and click the "restore" button.

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center Seating
  • Prudential Center Seating

  • archer75
    Apr 25, 02:46 PM
    I really don't think that the 6870 will be in the 27 inch version. The current card (5750) has a power draw of 86 watts. The 6870 has a draw of 151 watts. Too much heat.


    You're looking at the desktop cards. Imacs use laptop GPU's.

    The 5750 in the current imac is actually a 5850m. A 6850m is actually slower than that. They will need a 6950m or 6970m to be an upgrade.

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center seating
  • Prudential Center seating

  • yellow
    Dec 4, 03:50 PM
    Personally I voted no, not because I am ignorant, but because there wasn't a more appropriate answer. It is my job to be concerned about all aspects of computing, but I am NO MORE concerned because of this "month of kernel bugs" than I was before the month of November. I also I find it highly unlikely that I will be nipped by any of these bugs shoehorned into malware before they are wiped clean by a security update.

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center
  • Prudential Center

  • mtkagan
    Mar 11, 01:59 PM
    Went to the fashion island location. About40-50 in line right now.

    prudential center seating. The Prudential Center will
  • The Prudential Center will

  • ChazUK
    Apr 22, 08:27 AM
    How are they different? They are both round with a 3D look and have a triangle with the same alignment and angles in the middle. They even perform the same function, to start playback of media content. Are you really going to nitpick about the colors? That's not different enough, Apple should definetely sue.

    If you clear your cache and refresh, you'd see the image you are hotlinking to isn't displaying. ;)

    Its just a low res image saying go to "my digital life". I think that's what Olly is getting at. :D

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center
  • Prudential Center

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 02:08 AM
    It looks like Samsung is supplying the SSD in the MBA.


    Apple shipping newer, faster SSDs in latest MacBook Airs
    by Chris Foresman | Last updated 3 days ago

    Apple launched revised MacBook Air models in the fall of 2010 by going SSD-only with speedy, but custom, small outline SSD modules made by Toshiba. However, some users are now reporting that the most recent MacBook Airs are using what appears to be a Samsung-made module, which is capable of 20-25 percent faster read and write speeds.
    According to testing by AnandTech, an SSD that carries the model name SM128C turned in a read speed of 261.1 MBps and a write speed of 209.6 MBps. Those speeds are 24 percent and 19 percent faster, respectively, compared to the Toshiba-made SSDs (model TS128C) that originally shipped in the MacBook Air.
    While the manufacturer hasn't been confirmed yet�Apple has not responded to our request for comment�AnandTech believes the "SM" in the model name refers to Samsung. The site noted that the tested speed ratings are comparable to other SSD drives built by Samsung.
    We felt that the 11" MacBook Air was very responsive with its equipped SSD module in our review last fall, but a little extra performance never hurts. For now, though, there is no way to guarantee which SSD module you'll get when buying a MacBook Air, and neither Samsung nor Toshiba appear to be offering their modules to consumers. Well-known Mac upgrade source Other World Computing offers the only known replacement SSD modules for the MacBook Air, which are rated at similar performance levels as the purported Samsung modules. Our full review of that upgrade option is coming soon.

    prudential center seating. prudential center seating
  • prudential center seating

  • Earendil
    Mar 31, 12:13 PM
    I'd prefer a clean modern OS with usability first and foremost.

    Who says they haven't? Maybe the iCal developers are so solidly done that they are dinking around with skins now?

    And out of curiousity, what does a "modern OS" look like anyway? Is there some standard or generally accepted look for that? Or perhaps by "modern" you mean "not done before" ? I'm honestly curious about the answer to this.

    Screw the gratuitous eyecandy�

    Eye candy that gets in the way of functional is stupid. Otherwise, as long as I can modify it, I couldn't care less.

    prudential center seating. As Prudential Center
  • As Prudential Center

  • slffl
    Apr 1, 12:46 AM
    I LOVE the new design. And this is also why I love Apple. They don't listen to all of the whiners who hate change like some companies do. They let their designer and engineers do what they do best. If Apple listened to all of the complainers here over the years, we'd have Windows, on a Dell PC, with a Palm Treo in a holster on our belt.

    Personally I like the iPad iCal design better than in OSX and I'm looking forward to this in Lion.

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center Seating
  • Prudential Center Seating

  • spicyapple
    Aug 15, 09:48 PM
    "Top secret" also probably means "not developed enough to show yet".
    Steve's Reality Distortion Field� at work, no doubt. The man has a spin for everything!

    prudential center seating. at the Prudential Center
  • at the Prudential Center

  • gdeputy
    Nov 26, 06:19 PM
    I was going to buy myself a MacBook air and since my girlfriend knew I wouldn't wait until Christmas to get it she bought it for me early for Christmas . So, I won't get a gift from her on the day, but man I feel blessed, I think I might have the best girlfriend in the world.

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center Club
  • Prudential Center Club

  • SilianRail
    Apr 13, 02:41 PM
    How dumb do people have to be to think that Apple is going to enter a mature market for a commodity?

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center
  • Prudential Center

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 13, 11:22 PM
    Now I'd just wait for the iPhone 5

    Yup. I'm going to get an iPhone 5. Come to think of it, it will be my first Apple product thats not a Mac.

    prudential center seating. Prudential Center
  • Prudential Center

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 22, 02:50 PM
    This will likely offend the diehard apple fanboys and the people who want to steve jobs to have their kid. But it needs to be said because it will add to the discussion. Read on at your on discretion:

    Apple inc. Idea of technology is simple if product A is X weight and Y thin. Any upgrade to product A that will and can result in the weight being greater then X then the upgrade is not a worthwhile addition to the phone.

    I like apple but they are to damn cautious of a company. Google is know for its innovations, but more ever it does things that most people would not think of many of these Ideas fail others become standard. Apple needs to be more on the front lines and take risk. Nothing wrong with a few bad products.

    Aug 1, 12:28 PM
    Actually, you know what I missed out?
    SpotLight! .... :rolleyes:

    Don't have any use for Expose, but I use Spotlight quite a bit.

    Panther was fine for me; if I'd stuck with that version, then I probably would have been OK.

    That's a neat trick, but it's still a crash. ... :)

    OSX was my problem, which I did find surprising.

    I think we're just polar opposites. I've been fine with all versions of OS X. I use Expos� all the time but I may have used Spotlight like 5 times. Of course if we had Tiger at work I'd probably use it a lot more!

    Apr 13, 07:36 PM
    It doesn't really matter at this point. Black or white, it's the iPhone. It'll still sell out.

    yah the white iPhone looks fresh as hell!

    Apr 13, 07:43 PM
    I wonder how many people will side-grade to the white one. Not sure how many new sales this will spur.

    Nov 26, 11:43 PM
    this very thread and the sales thereof indicate a HUGE interest in being able to view Flash on iOS devices and no amount of BS nonsense on your part will change that fact.

    The popularity of SkyFire is a wake-up call to website owners to update their media inventory from legacy Flash wrappers to HTML5.

    Your implication that people would return an iOS device based on just a single feature alone is ludicrous.

    Flash is either a mission-critical for people or it is not. Evidently it is not mission-critical to the owners of 120M+ iOS devices.

    I've pointed out there is no equivalent of the iPod Touch from Android and therefore no reasonable alternative regardless of one's feelings about the inability to view Flash web sites.

    Makes no difference. If Flash were mission-critical, they wouldn't be using an iPad.

    Instead of just acknowledging that not everyone likes Steve Jobs decision to not allow Flash

    We're all very clear you don't like the decision. There are plenty of Flash fanboys. If they want Flash in browsers, they shouldn't use iPhones, iPads, or iPod Touches.

    The owners of 120M+ iOS devices are doing just fine without Flash. There are serious problems with Flash on laptop and desktop computers:

    Too many laptop users are tired of the CPU loading and battery suck of Flash apps.

    Too many users don't like that Flash alters the UI inside of the browsers: altered scrolling behavior, keyboard shortcuts that don't work in Flash, text searches that don't work with text in a Flash app.

    Too many privacy advocates are bothered that Flash maintains a separate set of cookies and those cookies do not honor the privacy settings of the browser. Commercial websites are using those Flash cookies to track users.

    Too many security advocates are wary of using Adobe products because of Adobe's poor track record against security attacks.

    You can't competently address those serious concerns with Flash in a browser.

    (hardly an unreasonable opinion to have and clearly shared by everyone who bought this app to be able to view those sites)

    See above. There are serious fundamental problems with Flash on websites. There's also a fundamental problem with Flash for advertisers: more users are blocking their ads with click-to-flash blockers every day. Putting your content in Flash now decreases the odds that it will be seen by users.

    Adobe understands all of this. They are providing tools to update sites from Flash to HTML5 (http://blogs.adobe.com/jnack/2010/10/adobe-demos-flash-to-html5-conversion-tool.html). Sites should do the same and get their videos updated to HTML5. Lose the Flash, and you'll be able to serve up your content to all browser users on all platforms.

    I'm sure there's some reason you're unhappy with that solution. That's fine. You're welcome to be a Flash Luddite if you wish.

    Jul 28, 08:51 AM
    Why doesn't everyone copy the AACs from all of their iTunes purchasing friends. Have those friends authorize that machine, and then go buy a ZOOM or whatever. Let MS scan for purchased tracks, and then pay $100's in licensing fees for the one purchased zoon. Then, pass the zuun onto a friend so they can do the same.

    Only available once? Resell on eBay and at least that is 1 less new one being purchased and produced. (Plus then THEY'LL be pissed they can't get all their itunes songs in zuun format for free, haha!)