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Sunday, May 22, 2011

printable world map with countries labeled

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  • DoFoT9
    Aug 18, 05:38 AM
    A blue PS3 is a nice idea.

    pretty darn cool! won't go very well with the black look that i am after though ;)

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  • bryanc
    Aug 11, 10:52 AM
    I'm stuck in a contract for another year, so I'll be watching to see how this pans out. Hopefully, I'll be able to jump on a Rev B without reservations.

    Given Apple's patent on the click-wheel interface, what do you think the likelihood of a virtual rotary phone interface? There are plenty of people who are now adults who've never 'dialled' a phone. It would be really slick if Apple could find a way for all of us old-farts to re-activiate our kinaesthetic memories and dial up and old friend using the click wheel on our new iPhones.


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  • QCassidy352
    Jul 14, 02:32 PM
    intersting that the price differences are quite large. I was also hoping for an all-quad line up and a case redesign. I've never liked the look of the G5.

    Arn/powers that be - can you tell us whether or not you consider this source to be reliable? Have you ever heard from them in the past?

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 6, 02:25 PM
    Motorola not selling any units of a crappy product? Huh... who'd have thought.

    No need to brag IMO and did you really try a Xoom and put it through it's paces?

    I didn't, but tried an ipad 1 and it wasn't doing all I would want it for, plus I never buy a first gen Apple product. (That little rule has served me well since 1984)

    Apple is waaayyyyyyy ahead at the moment and the copy cats are playing catch up.

    But, I like that there will be a race forcing each manufacturer to make the product better and better.

    While Apple is not ignoring what the competition does, their philosophy of making their own products better and better seems to be successful.

    So, why change that formula or shake in your boots , just because somebody launches a new copy?

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  • shawnce
    Jul 27, 04:11 PM
    I never said otherwise.

    You did say "successors" and "next generation" which I was pointing out they are not :D

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  • rezenclowd3
    Dec 12, 06:05 PM
    At least GT6 is already underway. (http://www.1up.com/news/gran-turismo-6-development-underway) (old news, but throwing it out there for those that don't know)

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  • shawnce
    Aug 17, 11:05 AM
    When playing a game on a PC, you have DirectX to take full advantage of the hardware, and your processor is usually tagged consuming any and all cycles it can for the game. On a Mac, multithreading, and sharing the processor among apps seems to be the flow of the computing experience. You should really do deeper analysis/research before making generally incorrect statements like the above.

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  • aricher
    Sep 13, 09:56 AM
    Clovertown is a 64-bit CPU.

    Ask your PC-loving IT guy if he uses Windows XP64 and more than 4 gigabytes of RAM. If not, then 32-bit processors are apparently okay for him, too.

    hee hee - thanks.

    printable world map with countries labeled. Free Printable World Map
  • Free Printable World Map

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 27, 06:06 PM
    I have a friend was name that way. Instead of putting JR in he puts II in.

    Not kosher.

    He is still Jr., no matter how much he protests.


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  • avkills
    Jul 14, 02:35 PM
    Man if they put the power supply on the top that would just be insanely stupid. 2 Optical drives is fine by me, although I am good with just one. But the post above about a Blu-Ray drive would make having 2 logical, one is Blue-ray, other is DVD/CD +/- RW.


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  • printable world map with

  • toddybody
    Apr 6, 11:10 AM
    Shame really, because the Pro in me would like a more color accurate screen, even for a little extra Apple Tax. C'mon Apple! You can release a $3000 laptop, you know you can!

    They do:D Speced out 17'' MBP.

    Youre totally right though, their notebook displays have been taking backseat to the iOS train. Hell, the iPad3 is gonna have a 2048x1536 display for heavens sake...and they couldnt even give the refreshed 13'' MBP the same res as the months old 13'' MBA. FAIL.

    printable world map with countries labeled. printable world map with
  • printable world map with

  • Xeperu
    Apr 27, 11:43 AM
    Just think of it like this, how hard would it be to fraud this? NObama's administration could whip one up in an hour the most.

    While I personally don't doubt NObama is born in Hawaii, I doubt this will matter for one bit.

    printable world map with countries labeled. printable world map
  • printable world map

  • DeathChill
    Aug 7, 10:18 PM
    Running the preview now... some nice developer level stuff that I cannot ebelish on however beyond what was talked about in the keynote.

    The new Core Animation stuff looks simple yet powerful and will increase the visual effects and feedback that application can do with only minor work on their part.

    Also new Xcode Tool capabilities are well... great to have (need to review what is available publicly before I can comment more).

    Next spring Apple will have a good answer to Vista with little disruption to end users and developers (unlike Vista).
    So it's fair to say that developers have received their copy of Leopard?

    printable world map with countries labeled. printable world map with
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  • maclaptop
    Apr 11, 04:51 PM
    Where are all these bs claims coming from? Why wouldn't Apple release it in June as always?

    I believe there are several factors at work causing this most likely time frame.

    1) The effects of Japans disaster on parts supply.
    2) Internal issues at Apple regarding more than one model being undecided.
    3) Final touches being added to iOS5

    Frankly I'd rather have a delay if it meant that Apple's going to make this one their best, most well debugged iPhone to date.

    Their is no substitute for excellent final checks through quality control.

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    Jul 27, 03:19 PM
    T minus 11 days...............

    Cant wait.

    i always wonder what does that T stand for??:confused:

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  • mkjellman
    Sep 18, 11:06 PM
    APPLE I NEED A NEW MACBOOK PRO. I NEED FIREWIRE 800, I NEED A DL SuperDrive, i'd like MEMROM. If you had to release a half-assed Prosumer laptop in the first place to start your transition for the love of god PLEASE update it now. Its been a LONG time since we've seen any updates. Apple is now competing in INTEL land, were they need to keep their laptops current. Release the laptops (notebooks in your case as you like to call them) i'll place the order and wait for them to ship. PLEASE.!


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  • shawnce
    Aug 26, 03:25 PM
    Apple is now getting their parts from the same bin that PC makers use. Intel = cheap parts. Cheap parts = low quality.

    Same thing with the batteries....

    OS X can run on PPC and X86. Apple should target X86 to consumers and PPC for pro's Yet iBooks and PowerBooks (PPC based systems) are part of this most recent battery recall (and a prior one)... it has nothing to do with switching to Intel. Apple has been using standard commodity parts in their systems for a VERY long time now.

    ...and while you are at the site why not look at some non-Intel based systems...


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  • free printable world map with

  • sirgant
    Nov 29, 02:44 AM
    What on earth are these people at music studio's thinking!!! Did they get royalties for every stereo sold? NO, so neither should they get anything for iPod or any hardware sales. Only for the products THEY supply, should they get money, being the music and movies/ video's, in other words the content.
    This is typical behaviour of music studio's and I sincerely hope that Apple will not budge, nor should any other company. Of course MS is eager to pay as they need their Zune to succeed, and Universal is riding along for a slice of the pie, but who will loose out in the end is the consumer, as these royalties are eventually going to get calculated such that we will pay them......
    We should all start protesting all record companies to clean up their act, in the mean time, the general consumer should to, copying of music is stealing, the prices on iTunes are fair and reasonable, so lets be nice and buy them properly, and the record companies can then make sure there is more for us to buy (some real refreshing new music would be nice, instead of all this "X factor, American idol, etc etc manufactured stuff....) , and not just fill their pockets as they are trying to do all the time

    It's not music studios, but record companies, they are not the same entities.

    A couple of things to clarify. I am actually a producer, who has a pre-existing deal with MCA/Universal Music Publishers.

    1. Doug Morris, Chairman of Universal is a greedy bastard, who I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw him.

    2. Artists, Songwriters & Producers are already getting screwed by major labels, not accounting properly, holding millions of dollars, using creative accounting practices etc.

    3. The percentage breakdown with ITMS and labels is basically 65/35 as it is rounded off to the 100 in favor of the labels.

    4. The real culprit here is Microsoft, who is whoring out Zunes in order to get a foothold on the marketplace. Consumers can speak with their pocketbooks, don't buy the crappy Zune players, but support your artists & songwriters who make a living off of sales, by purchasing music.


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  • eb6
    Sep 19, 09:53 AM
    Originally Posted by DocAlge
    I am new to this (and still waiting to buy my first Mac). BUT why all this talk about speed and not about screen size.

    I will buy a new Mac as soon as the new models arrive, but I could probably do with a MacBook - but I just think 13" is to small (my eyes are getting old). Does anyone think a 15" MacBook will be out anytime soon - or do I just have to pay the extra price for the MacBook Pro

    I would go with a 13". I was really surprised how big it was when I saw it the first time.

    Aug 26, 06:05 PM
    Im guessing hopefully by the years end for the G5.... :) :)

    What by the years end? That we stop reading the same "PowerBook G5 next Tuesday!" non-starting done-to-death joke?? :rolleyes: :p

    Apr 11, 11:33 AM
    Looks like we'll be waiting in line in the cold instead of the heat. Can't really complain...

    Mar 23, 10:18 AM
    If you read my original post, you'll notice that I was referring to the fact that many programmers are careless about optimizing their code all because they can count on a large amount of resources, and because they get lazy.

    I think anyone programming above assembly language and/or on a device with more than about 16K of memory, gets lazy :)

    Most Mac programmers are good at optimizing, while many Windows programmers are not.

    Where does Apple's horrible iTunes for Windows fit into this myth?

    Mar 31, 10:09 PM
    They all gripe and moan about Apple, then they all copy Apple. Gripe some more, copy some more. And on it goes...

    Aug 5, 05:53 PM
    why no mbp? its a pro machine so shouldnt it be updated?

    The upcoming MacBook Pro is expected to use a chip known as the Core 2 Duo, versus today's Core Duo. Code-named Merom, this chip will not ship in volume until later this month/early next month. Therefore, IF a Merom laptop is shown, it will not ship for month(s). It is much more likely that we see new Macs using the desktop version of the Core 2 Duo, which is codenamed Conroe and is already being readied to ship as I write this.