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Thursday, May 19, 2011

maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger

maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger with his
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger with his

  • stealthman1
    Apr 28, 07:05 PM
    Actually I could feel that it was slightly heavier as well. I weighed both the black and white model and indeed the white is a little heavier but I really dont care, all my cases that I love (SGP) still work fine so its a "Who Cares" kinda thing as said before.

    Oh, jeez, I can't believe you don't know this...charge the black one up to the equivalent level of the white phone and they will weigh exactly the same. ;)

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • Burger Thing
    Mar 31, 09:12 PM
    They ought to have a 'classic' mode for iCal so people can choose...i know it won't happen though

    Great. Then we could choose between a 'classic' and a last century look. :p

    As someone mentioned before, I find it hard to believe that a company with a designer talent which Ive is, would dare to publish an eye turd like that? :confused:

    If they really want software to resemble real world objects, then please make iCal to look like the Pirelli Calendar...

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. maria shriver
  • maria shriver

  • kim0785b
    Oct 23, 04:20 PM
    losers, i hate microsoft, stupid capitalists.

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger and wife
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger and wife

  • colonels1020
    Apr 23, 09:22 PM
    oh god please i hope so


    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. arnold schwarzenegger maria
  • arnold schwarzenegger maria

  • mcmlxix
    Apr 15, 03:28 PM
    Well Apple has used up all the "big cat" names like Tiger and Lion which means that either OS 11 is underway or they will be in the embarassing situation of having to use lesser cat names which imply "less".

    Ocelot, Cheetah, Cougar, Fluffy, etc......:cool:

    I for one am ready for OS 11.0 "Merlot"

    Stan: "Surprise! I got us a second wife. You know, to help with cooking and cleaning. Her name's impossible to pronounce, so I just call her Thundercat."

    Thundercat FTW. Why not, what with Thunder Bolt!

    Wine??? Nooooo.

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Maria Shriver and her children
  • Maria Shriver and her children

  • AHDuke99
    Apr 14, 03:32 PM
    That animation crap only started with 4.3. The previous releases were all fine.


    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger amp; Maria
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger amp; Maria

  • kevin2223
    May 3, 07:49 AM
    Two Thunderbolt ports on the 27".

    You now get a 2TB drive and 256GB SSD for what the old 1TB+SSD combo. cost, although it would have been nice to see cheaper/more options here.

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Maria Shriver and Arnold
  • Maria Shriver and Arnold

  • kevingaffney
    Apr 22, 04:46 PM
    Before seeing this, I had more or less decided I would skip the next upgrade but I have to admit I love that design. Stick 64 gigs in it and I'll be at the top of the queue


    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger and
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger and

  • twoodcc
    Oct 26, 07:15 PM
    Seems to me like you are trying to say something there :rolleyes:
    Well, ok then, I will look into it again, just don't hold your breath :p
    If I can maybe we could catch back up to team Lithuania, they haven't gotten very far ahead of us, so maybe we could do it, 'course it would help to get some more people folding for us.

    I also haven't gotten gpu2 to work on either of my gtx 260's, I think it might be a driver issue because it is a problem for a lot of people in XP and Vista as well :mad:

    wait, you cant get gpu2 to work in windows?

    I did a complete reinstall of folding@home and it is now doing a bigadv wu :)

    wu 2683 r12c9g7 looks to be about 27 min per frame.

    dang that's fast. on a 2.26 mac pro? it's taking me like just under or right at 36 min on my i7 920 running at 3.5 ghz. hey now, if you could do these on your 920 then you could really put up some points

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria

  • LieutenantLefse
    Aug 16, 12:49 PM
    I want a way to see how much space the trash is taking up before I empty it. Is there a way? There was in OS 9 and OS 8.

    It's quite simple:

    $ du -hs .Trash


    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger and
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger and

  • tkermit
    Mar 31, 12:53 PM
    The OS needs to look rich in color.

    That kind of sounds like something Bill Gates would say (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP0_uN42P44). :p

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Maria Shriver Governor Arnold
  • Maria Shriver Governor Arnold

  • Small White Car
    May 3, 11:24 PM
    I think the evidence has been so overwhelming by this point no one really cares if the service reps just admit it.


    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Maria Shriver amp; Arnold
  • Maria Shriver amp; Arnold

  • Hurda
    Jun 6, 08:17 AM
    Apparently, here in EU I get a different version of that policy:

    Returns: If you reside in the European Union and you purchase services from Google through the Market, you have the right to withdraw from your purchase within seven working days, commencing on the day after the date of purchase. You acknowledge that upon download of the relevant Product, the performance of services will begin and this right will cease to apply.

    So no quick play-through. ;)

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Maria Shriver and Arnold
  • Maria Shriver and Arnold

  • cleanup
    Sep 12, 09:19 PM
    And here my last purchase: Shaken green tea lemonade - I quit buying coffee from starbucks to reduce my sugar intake but I needed something to get from the coffee shop!

    I actually get a half-green, half-passion tea lemonade. Try it. It's good. :)

    Corey, that dog is adorable. What breed?


    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Maria
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger on Maria

  • entatlrg
    Apr 22, 02:46 AM
    Even more entertaining is the fact that Apple is so arrogant they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    And you're the know it all because?

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • gwynne
    Jun 9, 12:28 PM
    Mom blaming the kid for her own screwup, IMHO.


    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Maria Shriver and Arnold
  • Maria Shriver and Arnold

  • archer75
    Apr 25, 04:19 PM
    I don't understand why is the article saying Apple delaying orders when the Apple Online Store says ships in 24 hrs not 1-3 weeks

    Because if you order one now you'll get an email back saying there was an unexpected delay. Inventory is drying up at best buy and amazon. Other threads here on the macrumor forums show that supplies are shrinking all over the world and distributors have no stock.

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Arnold Schwarzenegger and
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger and

  • crackbookpro
    Apr 14, 07:50 AM
    Apple knew they were releasing the White iPhone for months(probably close to a year if not more) now... it's all strategic marketing, sales, & planning. There might have never been a problem within the white plastic that analysts exclaimed... It's all about sales now for Apple, they are so over the professional consumer. You guys think the double-sided glass on the iPhone 4 was from a pure design-point are utterly mistaken by dominance(s) of Apple's new businees model within the last couple years.

    Apple is making products to sell... when... they used to make the best products for the professional consumer. I don't knock them at all... they are doing what any business would do with a cabinet full of board members & shareholders - make money... more money.

    Apple's got us this year... the big iPhone update is waiting on LTE, and even more so AT&T's involvement. It truly may not be till 2012...

    maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger. Posts filed under #39;Maria
  • Posts filed under #39;Maria

  • imacken
    Nov 13, 03:33 AM
    It's available in the Canadian Store.

    That's weird. On the web-site it says US only - coming soon to ROW.

    Apr 17, 07:47 AM
    BSD is not GNU.

    No, but Bash is. I meant the GNU/Berkeley as a hybrid BSD userland with GNU parts thrown in. I know the difference quite clearly thank you.

    Jan 30, 01:13 PM
    I just ordered this bag

    Mar 15, 10:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    They came out, as Mystikal said - 4 ATT 64 gigs and one 16 wifi

    In my hand is the last voucher for the 64 ATT model - as they would say in the Big Lebowski, as long as there's "no funny stuff" then Im getting exactly what I came for

    Right now - looks like God really loves me...

    May 3, 09:14 AM
    Mini is on C2D because wasn't room (in case or pricepoint) for dedicated gpu.

    Now that SB is out with an integrated gpu on par with the 320M you'll see it in the Mini soon enough.

    +1 eventually mac mini will be updated same goes to white macbook also

    White Macbook with i5 CPU is nice upgrade, one tuesday at a time ... :D

    Jul 12, 06:13 PM
    Most pro printshops, publishers, law firms etc. only except word .doc files. ...