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Sunday, May 22, 2011

leonardo dicaprio romeo wallpaper

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  • timerollson
    Jan 28, 09:03 PM
    Couldn't decide between the two fragrances so I bought both.:o

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  • danny_w
    Dec 4, 06:29 PM
    i just don't get the fascination with guns :confused:
    I don't either. :confused:

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  • Eldiablojoe
    Dec 29, 11:11 PM
    Once people, meaning women, are big enough that I figure they can't reach around behind them well enough to wipe their own butts, I get grossed out.

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  • !� V �!
    Apr 28, 05:26 PM
    If you look at other photos it looks exactly the same.

    That photo has a weird angle to it. You can see the other side of the white iphone.

    Someone from "a" news service is bending a no story into "A Story." ;):D


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  • Bonds79
    Apr 24, 02:24 AM
    A few clarifications that pertain to AT&T/T-Mobile and this story:

    * The most valuable thing T-Mobile has is it's *spectrum*. The network itself, while quite valuable, isn't the key here at all. Oh, it's a factor, but it's not the reason why the Death Star is after it.

    * T-Mobile has not been bought. There's just a stated intent for AT&T to buy T-mobile. The purchase process will take many months, and there are many regulatory hurdles to overcome. Since this will mean reducing the number of national (or near national) carriers, it will get heavy scrutiny, and there's more than a small chance that the deal will be rejected, or come with so many conditions that AT&T will withdraw the offer.

    * Between now and the actual purchase, the companies can do some exploratory work with each other but they cannot operate in any way as if the deal has already taken place. AT&T cannot ask APPL to test the iPhone at T-Mobile bands.

    There are probably some ways around the last bullet (called "gun jumping") but with a deal with this level of scrutiny, nothing is going to happen which jeopardizes the deal.

    Interesting, so I guess T-Mobile 's network has more spectrum depth than att's network, seem t-mobile's network allows high 3G speeds

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  • Intell
    Apr 25, 10:35 PM
    You need my approval to sell the sandwhich shop which I (in God-form) have given you. Consider it denied.



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  • Mister Snitch
    Apr 22, 08:43 AM
    Next time, I'd suggest you check the accuracy of the "source" you are trying to use to prove your point. The F700 wasn't shown in it was announced just after the iPhone and wasn't available until later in 2007...

    Quite right, though I doubt 'rolfbert' WILL check his sources next time. Some people never learn.

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  • bigrobb
    Jan 30, 01:13 PM
    I just ordered this bag


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  • Phil A.
    Aug 15, 04:11 PM
    A lot of the features look great but the Spotlight screenshot has me worried. It looks like very little has changed with the results. The biggest failure of Spotlight for me has been the lack of the ability to sort your results by modification date. I used to use the find file to look for items on our server all the time, now it is totally useless because they show up alphabetically. I would have hoped that Apple would have gotten wise about that with Leopard. Apparently they havent listened to all the Mac users who think that Spotlight in Tiger is trash.

    You can sort by date now in spotlight (at least the main spotlight search from the menu bar) - just click "show all" at the top of your spotlight results list and you get a new window that will allow you to sort and group the results to your heart's content. As spotlight will be extended to cover data on servers in Leopard I guess that functionality will be available across network files

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  • Billy Boo Bob
    May 3, 08:10 AM
    About $50 US per Gig for additional RAM from Apple... Just a minor beating this time, instead of an all out rape like they usually do compared to third party.

    Wish I had the money to get one right away.


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  • Eldiablojoe
    Apr 28, 01:42 PM
    Oh Vey, will you two just get a room already!

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  • PghLondon
    May 1, 05:27 AM
    Of course there is. iOS runs on two currently available Apple smartphone models: 3GS and 4. The iOS that runs on these phones is sufficiently different in feature sets from the iOS that runs on Tablets, media consumption devices, and Apple TVs:
    -Larger resolution on tablets
    -Communications handled separately - No phone app or visual voicemail on Tablet or iPod Touch
    -No installable apps on Apple TV

    AppleTV isn't being counted. If it had apps, it would be. For now, while it's running iOS "under the hood", Apple and analysts aren't actually mentioning that or using it in counts.

    And the differences between iPad / iPod / iPhone are orders of magnitude less than the differences between the ultra-high and ultra-low ends of what is being counted as Android "phones".

    This whole "smartphone OS" is something dreamed up in the last few weeks by Android apologists, after the numbers showed that Apple has the most popular OS and the most popular piece(s) of hardware in the mobile industry.


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  • celticpride678
    Apr 15, 08:51 PM
    Hmmm. Can't get iPad updated, says that not compatible with the build.

    Nice. :confused:

    Too tired to even troubleshoot longer.
    But for anyone who wants to give me a tip.

    I restarted both iPad and iMac.
    Deleted and Re downloaded ipsw
    Hard reset iPad
    No dice. Never JB btw.

    Is iTunes up-to-date?

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  • Fotek2001
    Aug 17, 09:50 AM
    Also, the sidebar is a retrograde step too. The drawer in Preview can be resized without changing the size of the content in the main window. You can't do that with a sidebar. It's also white, unlike Mail's light blue. Wrong, wrong, bad, ugly, inconsistent and stupid.

    Has it occurred to you that the white background was intentional because the sidebar is being used to display images and thumbnails of text? A coloured background wouldn't really suit that use (IMHO).

    I never liked drawers so I'm glad to see the back of them. :D


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  • lPHONE
    Jun 19, 12:08 AM
    What is this kid doing on the computer alone in the first place? Doesn't his parents know about the dangers lurking on the web?! ;)

    I have to agree.
    People need face the consequences of their actions on the internets... maybe then they'll learn

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  • Platform
    Oct 24, 07:53 AM
    Flight charge...thats nice...maybe because of the recent sony flame batteries.

    200GB drive is good, but @4200rpm...:eek:


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  • rnelan7
    Sep 13, 09:46 PM
    I have this shirt. It does attract quite a bit of attention

    Where can you purchase it?

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  • Mac-Mariachi
    Apr 12, 10:41 AM
    Aren't we quickly getting to the point where it's all about the software?

    Ok, so we know iPhone 5 will get dual core A5....big deal. It'll be nice to have the extra power, but the iPhone 4 now is no slouch.

    Added RAM.....yeah, that would be nice....but not going to suddenly sell more phones because it has more RAM :p

    Display won't get any better resolution-wise. Doubt they'd go with a larger screen either.

    Better cameras....ok.....still, the iPhone 4 cameras are no slouch, and it's not like it will reach the quality of a nice DSLR with those tiny sensors.

    Better graphics processing.....sure.....but it's not like it has to drive a 9.7" screen like the iPad.

    I'd say Apple is smartly switching into software mode. Kick ass with iOS5, revamp notifications, make some much needed overhauls to the system, and optimize performance for todays devices (iPhone 4, iPad & iPad 2).

    Apple is going to stay ahead with software. That's the way Apple is and always has been.


    Best comment on this thread!

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  • Lord Appleseed
    Apr 21, 11:10 PM
    Several reasons. It's very fast - Mannheim is about a year, and Dusseldorf about two. You can't raise invalidity of the patent as a defense. You have to very early in the case explain your theory of non-infringement, etc. The system works very differently than the U.S.

    How so? (not saying you're wrong, I'm genuinely curious)
    As cmaier said, the Court system works very different in Germany and the other german speaking countries such as Austria or Switzerland.
    A lawsuit takes a very long time.
    Also a precedent is not working the same as in the US here.

    Apr 14, 06:56 PM
    Oh great. I'm going to have to tie up my Internet connection for a long period of time to update my 4G iPod touch and iPad 2 for the 4.3.2 update. :rolleyes:

    I REALLY hope that Apple does incremental updates of iOS starting with iOS 5.0 to save us from tying up the broadband connection for such a long period of time.

    Oct 24, 07:46 AM
    If the prices havn't changed as mentioned above then this may make some people who were thinking of getting macbooks justify paying the extra for the pro, it seems more worth while now. I was in that position in june but I went for the Macbook.

    Jul 25, 12:29 PM
    But what Apple can do with this technology is give it a thicker, more substantial, more scratch-resistant, possibly more smudge resistant surface on which the user can touch and interact with the UI.

    You already don't touch the iPod screen on the current iPod, and they couldn't do that. Why a none-touch ipod means it will scratch less is beyond me.

    Jul 24, 09:56 PM
    I would like a bluetooth mouse, however, changing the batteries is such a hassle.

    Apr 25, 01:01 PM
    I hope by "next week" they mean "tomorrow"...