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Friday, May 20, 2011

harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date

harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. Harry#39;s premiere
  • Harry#39;s premiere

  • Multimedia
    Oct 11, 08:23 AM
    I was one click away from buying a refurb 2.66 Mac Pro last evening and decided to wait until next month to see what Apple brings to the table. I've sold off my Quicksilver, Pismo, G4 AL 'book, and G4 Mini and picked up a MBP and MB now all I need is a new tower and my Intel transition is complete. Aside from the lack of UB CS2 apps it's been a great transition.

    Now I have to get rid of two 21" Viewsonic CRTs and upgrade my displays. I was able to check out the Dell 24" display and it's pretty sweet, but on Friday Costco will have the Viewsonic 22" LCDs on sale for $300 each. For the less than the price of a 24" I could pick up two 22" LCDs. Granted they are lower resolution, but I think the extra monitor makes up for that missing real estate. Any feedback on this is appreciated.Wow. I can't beleive they are in refurb after only two months and also the one month old C2D iMacs are all there as well. But I'm holding out for the 8-core no matter what. They should be priced same as the 3GHz Quad Xeon according to published price lists.

    Please explain more about what will be for sale Friday at Costco for $300. Link, model number and resolution please? I'm not currently a member but could join if worth it. Is it the VX2235wm 1680x1050 (http://www.viewsonic.com/products/desktopdisplays/lcddisplays/xseries/vx2235wm/)? That's a far cry from 1920 x 1200 for around $700 from Dell. While you may save money at Costco, you get what you pay for. Native HD resolution capable is one of my priorities.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. Revealed! Harry Potter And
  • Revealed! Harry Potter And

  • iGary
    Aug 29, 03:34 PM
    You know what I hate about crap like this?

    People read it, and then point their respective (washed in soap with chemical additives and toxins) fingers at Appple, because it makes them feel good. "Yeah, this Apple stuff is crap!"

    Then they go drive a block down the street to get milk from a cow who's waste runoff pollutes the local river, sit down and watch their TV with power generated from a coal-spewing power plant while eating dinner from plastic packaging that came from oil that was refined at a plant that contaminates the environment.

    Unless you live on an uninhabited island, catch all your own food and generate your own power, you have no room to talk. None of us do.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. Harry Potter and the Deathly
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly

  • tristan
    Jul 12, 06:46 AM
    Spooky - I predicted this. Me and everyone else except a couple naysayers. I only buy laptops though, so I'm not really the target market. But I think this will be on every graphic designers desk by Xmas. Go Apple and Intel!

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. Here is the press release
  • Here is the press release

  • Slix
    Apr 9, 11:05 AM
    I'd love for Pokemon to be on iOS devices.

    Same here. It'd be awesome to battle and trade on your iOS device. Only issue would be the fact that the DS and iOS devices can't trade/battle with each other.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • Xibalba
    Oct 7, 04:09 PM
    I hope my sarcasm meter is broken.

    If it is not, comments like this are exactly what is wrong with this forum.

    What does Microsoft has to do with topic?

    i agree with you but i think that he was referring to the fact that if android surpasses the iphone, then MS's windows mobile OS will fall even further back in the mobile operating system rankings.

    still, i find it annoying when people blindly bash MS or Apple just because others are doing it. MS does make some good products, but i prefer (and can afford) apple when it comes to computing and mobile products. i do however enjoy the MS Xbox 360 product and will purchase the upcoming Natal technology.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 10, 07:00 AM
    Brilliant! then a family of five can all play scrabble or monopoly for the low low cost of $1,495*

    *listed price includes iDevices only. Apple tv required to play. Apple tv, monopoly and scrabble sold separately.

    Anyone who buys iOS devices to play Scrabble is an idiot. People who uses their existing iOS devices to play together have a lot of fun.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • Eidorian
    Sep 26, 10:29 AM
    Pardon Me But Would You Please Track Down The Link To That Card And IM Me and post it here? I need it NOW! Thanks.

    I will be on this thread until the Mac Pro Clovertown option ships. :D

    This is the Mac Pro I have been waiting for.http://www.anandtech.com/storage/showdoc.aspx?i=2480

    I know they're making a PCI Express, DDR2, SATA II version though. Old news to me...

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • Danger! Will
    Apr 15, 11:26 AM
    Thank you apple...

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. DVD release day to see it.
  • DVD release day to see it.

  • I'mAMac
    Aug 29, 02:44 PM
    Um....should we just not heat our homes then? You first.

    Even early man built fires to stay warm.
    Im not saying stop using energy. I'm saying use a different source. Wind, water, sun. theres plenty of other ways to heat your home out there. Geothermal too

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • gospel9
    Apr 9, 12:31 AM
    Hmmm, swipe, swipe, swipe, next. Swipe, swipe, swipe, next.

    Nah, gimme the Infinity Blade graphics but in a game that needs more than just flicking left or right.

    Oh you have absolutely no idea how to play Infinity Blade. Sure you can win like that in the beginning... It is like saying a racing game is turn turn turn brake turn long brake turn turn next.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. DVD release of Harry
  • DVD release of Harry

  • Tobsterius
    Apr 13, 07:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Not every video professional has the desire or the ability to take off of work and attend NAB. Their opinions and concerns on new products demo'd that they use every day or might purchase for their business at the show are just as valid as people who decided to attend.

    NAB isn't a pilgrimage. You aren't required to drop everything and attend.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • Xenious
    Aug 29, 01:03 PM
    Greenpeace ranks #1 in psycho environmentalist organizations... film at 11.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • Chaszmyr
    Jul 14, 02:16 PM
    Can anyone tell me the purpose of dual drive slots nowadays? I can see the use for them (and had computers with) when they were limited to one function, i.e. DVD-ROM for one and a CD-RW for the other but now that everything can happen in one drive with speed not being an issue, is it really nececcary to have two?

    There used to be some software to directly copy from CD to CDR, and this was very common in the days before people had MP3 players... but I can't imagine many people doing this anymore, and I don't know of any software to do this with DVDs.

    It would be nice if you play a game that requires a CD in and won't permit you to use a disc image on the hard drive.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • writingdevil
    Apr 13, 05:23 AM
    many of these are from non full time editors if you read posts over time..and if you follow the site, the usual suspects pick up on part of somebody else's post, try to put a twist on it, and post it without having real understanding of the heart of the topic. we started on avid in first project in film school through four years of filmmaking, then onto feature jobs, and this system rocks. murch, coen bros, coppola, lots of features using fcp and endorse it totally. people in my pops generation started on other systems and somewhere along the way, jus got tired of learning new tech, although they're still damn good editors.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • jsw
    Mar 18, 03:01 PM
    It's actually a little shocking that it wasn't designed to do that in the first place!
    It's a lot easier to use the buyer's CPU to add DRM than to task the iTunes servers with doing it - so making the servers do it will cause Apple to either add more horsepower there or slow down iTunes' response times under load.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • MovieCutter
    Apr 12, 10:14 PM
    If this really is to non-linear editing as Henry Ford was to the automobile, it's time to learn how to drive this thing like a Formula One driver...because everyone's going to THINK they know how to use this.

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • myamid
    Sep 12, 07:14 PM
    From one enthusiast to another, we agree to disagree on your points b through e -- As far as point A, I think you should rewatch what Jobs said today. And view the apple press release on the device.

    Fair enough :)

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. Harry Potter 7 Part 1 Dvd
  • Harry Potter 7 Part 1 Dvd

  • sbarton
    Jul 13, 09:03 AM
    930 is a netburst-CPU (P4) and those are absoluitely dirt-cheap these days, dual-core or not. Intel is basically donating them to OEM's these days. Not so with Conroe.

    So Dell has a system with dirt-cheap CPU and that vaunted Dell-"designed" case for under $1000. And you are now expecting to get an Apple-system with kick-ass case and considerably more expensive CPU with just $200 extra?

    That said, I would like to see a Apple minitower-system that uses the Conroe. It wont be as cheap as Dell, since whereas Dell might cut corners everywhere, Apple simply does not. Even their cheapest system (Mini for example) are very refined. Could you imagine an Apple-system that is made from cheap plastic (like this HP-system standing next to me)? I sure as hell can't.

    Fine what would you pay? Whats fair? Seems like Apple's product line says 'take it or leave it with the imac' or 'cough up a lung for the Pro line'. There's nothing in the middle.

    Yes, I appreciate the Apple design considerations. I'm willing to pay a premium for it. The question is - How much?

    harry potter 7 part 1 dvd release date. harry potter 7 part 1 dvd
  • harry potter 7 part 1 dvd

  • pdjudd
    Oct 7, 03:31 PM
    Just like Mac OS X would gain market share if you could install it on any PC.

    No, they most likely wouldn't. There is no reason to think that it would - it's conjecture. (http://daringfireball.net/2004/08/parlay)

    Aug 29, 04:06 PM
    And Apple IS eco-friendly, or so I thought--Al Gore is on the board. I got the impression he was sort of into the environmental movement...

    Actually, he's on the Al Gore movement. ;)

    Apr 15, 09:55 AM
    Focus should be on ending/surviving ALL bullying, not just victims choosing a hip counterculture.

    Because being gay, or supporting those who suffer from abuse, is the same as joining a 'hip counterculture' movement. Get real, dude. That's ridiculous.

    This video was great. I'm glad it made it to the 1st page.

    Apr 13, 12:36 PM
    Original post by gusapple

    I think that this is counter-intuitive. By a long shot. Why would Apple leave their customer base? They still are including all of their "smoke and mirrors" but with a dumbed down option. All that I can see from it is that file management is FINALLY going to be better than a manual system. And anyways, Apple updated the UI from something that was popular in 2000 to something that looks better for today. Plus, there are lots of people who want to start using Pro apps but don't know how. I think that it is awesome that Apple is creating interest in an industry that will grow rapidly in the next few years.

    I think what you are talking about is called Imovie? Accessible by 10 year olds and its wonderful for that and for people who do weddings etc, but in my world we use the traditional layout because it works just fine and why fix something thats not broken? 64 bit is great and yes we need that but not the shinny useless bits that kids want on the iphones, ipads and Garageband. I think Apple has lost the plot here and also lost the respect of pro app users..well those who truly are pro FCP users.

    Oct 21, 01:07 PM
    That's great! I want to put 4GB in my 8-core Mac Pro anyway, so I hope the price lingers there (or maybe even falls a little by the time I can get an octo core). I'd buy now, but I'd rather hold out on the chance that it'll drop a little more, or even on the longshot that they'd change what kind of modules the new machines use.I doubt anything with the Mac Pro will change (other than the CPUs) when the 8-core models ship. Intel originally was very committed to using the FB-DIMM type RAM in their systems for the next couple years. However, they have since backtracked on that and said that they will continue to explore other options. Who knows what that means... I thik it means that we'll probably see DDR3 on mid-range systems in '07, probably in notebooks as well at some point mid to late year. But I would guess that for the foreseeable future, FB-DIMM is the standard for Xeon workstations and servers, so Mac Pro and XServer should continue with this type of RAM for a while. When Intel finally shifts to the new 45nm process sometime mid/late next year, then all bets are off as they will need to increase bandwidth for both the RAM and FSB to keep in step with CPU growth.Zactly. Waiting for prices to change is probably an act of futility other than waiting for an 8-core refurb. The 3GHz Woody Mac Pro Refurb is $3299 which would compare to the 2.33GHz Clovertown. So there isn't going to be a lot of "savings" waiting for the refurbs which probably won't show up until late January at the soonest. Can you afford to be without all that power in the meantime? I can't wait.

    Nov 10, 03:01 PM
    Yes, i did! And it's a BIG difference vs ****** AT&T

    Read about it here:

    Why I dumped AT&T, sold my iPhone 4 and got Droid X with Verizon (http://www.webandblog.com/general/why-dumped-att-sold-my-iphone-4-and-got-myself-droid-x-on-verizon/)

    Sell your iPhone 4, call AT&T and tell em they suck and get away with your number!