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Thursday, May 26, 2011

dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1

dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Goku — Dragon Ball Z
  • Goku — Dragon Ball Z

  • RichP
    Oct 26, 12:58 PM
    Just thought I'd put in my piece of advice about DVI-DL KVM switches. I'm only aware of three of them on the market, the two most common are from Gefen (www.gefen.com). I'm using the 4x1 Gefen and it works perfectly switching my primary display between my G5 quad, two PCs and my MBP. I know the quad switch is double the price, but DO NOT BUY THE 2x1 DVI-DL SWITCH from Gefen!!!

    Darn it! That is just stupid. I have a gefen DVI switch now, its sad to hear that the 2x1 is junk. Its not worth it to me for the 4x1, either 900 for a switch, for for 1280, (a few hundred more) I get ANOTHER 30"!

    I wish the apple 23s just had the quality of the 20 and 30. :mad:

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Picture 1
  • Picture 1

  • Beric
    Mar 12, 03:36 AM
    What the hell? Why doesn't the wind blow it into China instead??? :D

    Anyways, that seems kinda extreme. That looks worse than a nuclear missle strike.

    Again, it's a worse-case scenario. Still, get something in the gulf stream, and it's going everywhere.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. #39;Dragon Ball Z#39; - Son Goku
  • #39;Dragon Ball Z#39; - Son Goku

  • starflyer
    Apr 15, 11:20 AM

    We should judge Christians on what they profess to believe to be the inspired (or literal) word of god: The Bible.

    Good thing that "one ignorant post" didn't use any passages from The Bib....aww, crap!

    Not what he said, but how he said it. But you already knew what I meant.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Next time on: Dragon Ball Z!
  • Next time on: Dragon Ball Z!

  • alexf
    Aug 29, 12:17 PM
    I could not care any less.

    Although, I do know of one thing Apple does that hurts the environment. They make me drive 3 hours to get to the closest Apple Store and 3 hours to get back home plus sitting in all the traffic in Atlanta. However, I drive a Nissan Armada (of course it has a V8) so I'm not too worried about gas consumption. ;)

    Yep, just another wasteful American. Same sad story.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Dragon Ball Super Saiyan 10.
  • Dragon Ball Super Saiyan 10.

  • MacinDoc
    Apr 12, 11:04 PM
    Yes, that was exactly my point. The people who know how to use the software are (sometimes) assistant editors, although I find the vast majority know how to do a few simple things, but do them well.. The original poster was implying you needed to be a hollywood film editor to judge technical capabilities, and I was saying they were the worst choice for just that reason.

    The people who know the most about editing systems are the Sr. editors who work on heavy, effects based sequences that work in broadcast production environments (I'm not talking about me here). *They* are the ones who push systems to the limits and *they* are the ones who go to NAB. (They're still only 10% of that room)

    I think that most of them will find that Apple has, at present abandoned them. That's not to say the industry won't shift, and there won't be enough 3rd party solutions out there, but they are throwing Avid a HUGE bone here.

    FCP was making big inroads into broadcast, and they're throwing it away-- for today certainly.

    Filmwise, could go either way, depending on the production. If it's got great RED/4k performance, "film" support isn't so important..

    But for the indie crowd, they're really screwing them over, if they are abandoning Color. *THAT* is what shocked me. I'm also surprised that effects weren't more advanced. I couldn't see anything on a titling tool, but that's pretty imporant for Broadcast as well.. and *no* existing solution is good for that... They really had (have?) a chance to make that right, and it seems they don't care.

    So, when I say "iMovie Pro" that isn't necessarily pejorative. This product is WAY, WAY, WAY more iMovie than FCP. That doesn't mean you can't cut "a real movie" on it. But for Broadcast TV, it's a real step down in a lot of ways-- at the very least not a step up.. The interface is very iMovie. They should have called it iMovie PRO, especially if they're getting rid of the rest of the FCS apps..

    Now if it turns out this is just the tip of the iceberg-- then we really could be in for a treat.
    Who said anything about discontinuing Color and the rest of FCS? I can't imagine Apple would think that Color could be replaced by one-click color correction. And once and for all, can we stop saying that making the interface easier to use is making the product less professional? Is OS X less professional than DOS?

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Goku Super Saiyan 2000.
  • Goku Super Saiyan 2000.

  • caity13cait
    Sep 22, 03:46 PM
    Hi maybe this topic has been covered in the last 4 pages, but if the itv has video out won't that mean that you can record off of it, like hook it to a dvd burner or even a vhs? Maybe I am missing something here.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Super saiyan 3 followed by
  • Super saiyan 3 followed by

  • slinger1968
    Nov 3, 04:18 AM
    I could not disagree with you more. So let's leave it at that.Then show me the data that backs up your claim that the average consumer is archeiving HD broadcast recordings on their iMac.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Super-saiyan-3-goku.jpg
  • Super-saiyan-3-goku.jpg

  • citizenzen
    Mar 15, 10:39 PM
    you might want to rethink what I mean by contained ...

    It's too undefined...

    Contained to the reactor?

    Contained to the plant?

    Contained to the locality?

    Contained to the island?

    Contained in the hemisphere?

    Contained to the Earth?

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Draw Super Saiyan Goku From
  • Draw Super Saiyan Goku From

  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 04:15 PM
    Well here is a solution to your "problem" at least.


    The biggest limiting factor is cost, but when you factor in the cost of the environmental impact, it becomes cheap in comparison.

    Thanks, that's an interesting technology!

    really ?
    i live in a country which isn't at war .. and hasn't since quite a few years.. and by years i mean decades
    and the nuclear power plant we built was stopped before getting turned on by a popular vote (since then we have a constitutional law forbidding to build nuclear power plants...)

    wow look at how i am suffering from the terrible consequences

    I wouldn't be so smug if I was you. Looks like Austria uses over 60% imported oil and gas for electricity manufacture (http://ec.europa.eu/energy/energy_policy/doc/factsheets/mix/mix_at_en.pdf)... that Persian Gulf political turmoil must be pretty exciting for you guys, yes? Probably costly too.

    You're also reliant on those nice people in Russia to keep their natural gas pipelines open (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia–Ukraine_gas_disputes), aren't you... being land-locked and all.

    I grew up in a country where even a right wing government won't entertain the idea of nuclear power,where one of it's major allies (the U.S.) are not allowed to bring naval vessels into territorial waters because they will not reveal if nuclear weapons/propulsion are involved.Which has just suffered a major earthquake and as far as I know is the only country that is a nuclear free zone.To New Zealanders this policy is totally sacrosanct.Guess what they are doing fine.

    Is that also a country with a tiny population and an abundance of hydro and geothermal sources? (Not really comparable to Japan or most of Western Europe).

    A country where the power system is so good, they managed to cut off all power to their largest city for a month and a half? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_Auckland_power_crisis)

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. of Dragon Ball Z,
  • of Dragon Ball Z,

  • SongtotheKing
    Mar 23, 05:01 PM
    im not a phone genius but i am pretty sure the Android is cross-carrier. If it surpasses the iPhone any time soon, it will be because of that. But i guarantee that if the iPhone went cross-carrier as well, we would see a HUGE jump in sales in which Android will plummet. Think about it. a REALLY BIG reason a lot of people go with the Android is because the iPhone isnt available on their carrier.


    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. How to Draw Goku Super Saiyan
  • How to Draw Goku Super Saiyan

  • ShavenYak
    Mar 18, 03:30 PM
    I would bet you will find this hole in WMA stores for the same reason. Of course Jon prefers to target the source that will get him headlines.

    From my limited knowledge of WMA from a miserable two days spent trying to help a friend's daughter with a crappy RCA player and Wal*Mart downloads, I think they may work differently. The license file is separate from the actual WMA file, so I'm betting the WMA is encrypted just once, with a long random key, and sent across the wire to any purchasers already encrypted. The key is then transmitted to the user and stored in the license file. Both the WMA and the license file are needed for playback.

    I could be wrong, but it seems like it would be silly to separate the license information from the music file unless you were doing something like this. Of course, Microsoft is well-known for silly decisions....

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. User talk:SSJGoku93 - Dragon
  • User talk:SSJGoku93 - Dragon

  • slinger1968
    Nov 3, 09:45 PM
    I wrote that whole scenario to refute your opinion Software is behind Hardware and show that the opposite is true.Well try reading what you are responding to, before you get your panties in a bunch. I was clearly talking about most software for the masses, not all software. Most software is currently behind the hardware because most software is not written for more than 2 cores yet.

    They aren't. That's my whole point.Well, You are wrong, most software is behind the current hardware. The hardware is only still weak for a small niche market of power users. You are a power user but the majority of people out there, especially iMac buyers are not using their computers for the same tasks. Read any of the computer hardware sites and the reviews on the quad core processors. They all say that these are currently enthusiast or power level parts not aimed at the general consumer.

    They aren't because they can't because the hardware is too weak. That was the entire point of my above post. That's why all these 8, 16 and then 32 core processors are so needed ASAP.The hardware is only weak for a small niche group of power users. It's rediculous to think that the average user is doing 3D modeling or high powered video processing. It's just silly.

    I have a dedicated bittorrent/music playing computer for live uncopywritten music. I've downloaded/uploaded over 1 terabyte of data and have specific computing needs for this. I'm just smart enough to recognize that my usage isn't normal.

    Again, Read any of the computer hardware sites and the reviews on the quad core processors. They all say that these are currently enthusiast or power level parts not aimed at the general consumer.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Goku Super Saiyan Attack
  • Goku Super Saiyan Attack

  • yg17
    Mar 18, 03:02 PM
    DRM= digital rights management= copy protection

    I'm also quite surprised that Apple DRMs the songs as they are downloaded. All it takes is a hack into the servers housing the music and there goes the neighborhood.

    The music has to be stored un-DRMed which is a huge risk for the iTMS or Napster or any other online store. The difference is when it gets the DRM added to it. If it gets the DRM at the server before its sent out for download, then this will solve the problem. But either way, the music has to be stored without any DRM somewhere and hacking into the servers would indeed be trouble

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. dragon ball z Gt dbz Goku
  • dragon ball z Gt dbz Goku

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 25, 10:47 AM
    Sense tells me that the truth value of God's existence is unknowable. However, in my opinion, it's not just unknowable but also totally irrelevant for how we should live. In other words, it is not important to know if there is a God or not. Is that closer to agnosticism or to atheism (if we separate these two notions completely)?

    Absolutely correct. It is irrelevant because it is unknowable so let's not pretend or imagine or try to know the unknowable. Let's live our lives in peace.

    Floptical cube's post sounds like an excellent description of agnosticism. But every atheist I've ever met has believed that there's God.

    I think it's important to remember that, although people can feel emotions about beliefs, beliefs aren't emotions. I don't feel that there's a God. I believe that there is one. I feel happiness, sadness, loneliness, hurt, and so forth. I believe that those feelings exist, but I don't believe that happiness, say, is either a truth or a falsehood. I don't believe that it's a conformity between my intellect and reality. My belief that there's a pine tree in my front yard is true because there is a pine tree there that causes my belief to be true. The tree will still be there 10 minutes from now, even if someone or something fools me into believing that it's gone. The truth or falsehood of my belief depends on the way things are in the world. I can't cause that tree to exist by merely believing that it does exist. I can't make it stop existing by simply believing that it doesn't exist, can I?

    I certainly feel that most atheists are what I would call agnostic atheists. They lack belief in a god but leave the question of such a being existing either open and yet to be proved or unknowable and, therefore, pointless to contemplate. Only a so-called gnostic atheist would say they have seen sufficient evidence to convince them there is no god and I have not seen to many of them in my travels. It's more likely that they have yet to see sufficient evidence so, while they do not specifically believe in his existence, they cannot categorically deny it either. The blurry line between atheism and agnosticism is fairly crowded, I think.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Dragonball Z Goku Super Saiyan
  • Dragonball Z Goku Super Saiyan

  • pdjudd
    Oct 7, 11:28 PM
    The cell phone market is so sporadic its hard to predict numbers for 1 year in the future, let alone 2 years.

    Heck, new phones hit the market pretty regularly - I say at least monthly. Its a fast moving target.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. This is what your Dragon Ball
  • This is what your Dragon Ball

  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 03:34 PM
    I think you'll have to try again here: I have no idea what you are saying.

    Basically, follow the local law until the point where is will cause you to sin AND be in direct violation of the Sharia Law framework.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. COSPLAY: Son Goku Super Saiyan
  • COSPLAY: Son Goku Super Saiyan

  • rcp27
    Apr 13, 04:59 PM
    Actually, I do think this would bug me. I love that I have all of my most used programs (Word, Excel, Photoshop, Lightroom, Notepad, etc, plus one particular folder) right there for easy access with 1 click of the Start button -- yet hidden away completely out of sight (until I click on Start). I also love having quick access to my "Recent Items" list, to quickly open a file I was recently working on.

    Basically if you want to use it a lot (say top 5 or so programs) drag it to the dock and it's always there, one click to launch. On the right side of the dock is instant access to the applications folder. One click and the full contents are visible, so two clicks to launch (same as start menu). Next to it is the documents folder, same idea. You can set the dock to hide unless you bring the mouse to the edge (like auto hide on the windows task bar). It's not quite the same but offers basically the same degree of easy access and flexibility.

    eek... I use "alt-tab" and "copy & paste" A LOT! :eek:

    Doesn't Mac have these things too? :confused:

    Copy and paste are there. I believe alt tab is too (or is it command tab?), but expos� and spaces handle the problem sooooo much better that I never feel the need for it. When I switched and discovered expos� I really did wonder how I ever lived without it (and when I have to use a Windows box it is the one thing I really miss most).

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Z Goku Super Saiyan 1.
  • Z Goku Super Saiyan 1.

  • Red-red
    Apr 9, 07:57 PM
    And it still won't work.

    Can't you understand?

    You can't look at a screen and hold a controller to play a game well, when there is nothing for your fingers to feel on the thing (sheet of smooth glass) you are holding as a controller.

    I understand completely the limitations of the approach but you're the one who doesn't understand or more precisely doesn't seem to accept the possibilities.

    Apple isn't going to release a controller or a controller add on. Get that into your head. It isn't happening.

    I'm not asking you to understand or like the approach just so we're clear. I couldn't care less but that is what they're doing. No two ways about it.

    Brilliant! then a family of five can all play scrabble or monopoly for the low low cost of $1,495*

    Apple are all about building integration and eco systems. Their visions of the future of consumer electronics... or post PC devices is iOS. If a family of five buys into that ecosystem they already have iPhone's, they already have iPads, they already have iPods and if they don't... they're probably going to buy one.

    If you approach it with a closed mind you won't understand it. You clearly don't which is why you've reeled off the predictable reply about current cost/usage.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 1. Tags: goku ssj4 ssj3 ssj1
  • Tags: goku ssj4 ssj3 ssj1

  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 08:16 AM
    I remember this happened during the pokemon phenomenon. And Charlie Sheen's one man show keeps selling out too. What's your point?

    The point is, it's Apple. It's where the entire market is headed. It's what got RIM, Samsung, Motorola, Microsoft, and other major players all worked up.

    This isn't pokemon or some drug-addled actor.

    It's what used to be a minor subset of the industry that is now breaking out and expanding rapidly. For one, it's mobile. The mobile market is massive and is experiencing nothing but growth. These tablet and pad devices are the next step in mobile computing, to the degree that they will supersede laptops and notebooks.

    Mar 13, 12:21 PM
    What is the alternative to nuclear power? These green ways of producing electricity cost a lot more and what I've heard, they can't provide enough power. Plus they don't work everywhere (not enough sun or wind in here for example).

    Whether it's a good move to build nuclear plants near tectonic plate joints, that's another question. We don't have seismic activity in here so such natural catastrophes aren't a concern.

    Of course you would say that, Finland gets ~30% of its energy from nuclear. Olkiluoto isn't exactly coming in under budget, is it?

    It's not just a matter whether it is safe in your country, it's also a matter of whether it's safe for your neighbors. If I remember correctly, y'all had to throw away a lot of caribou meat after Chernobyl.

    Digital Skunk
    Apr 13, 09:56 AM
    Here are videos of the event... that way you can pretty much 'see' for yourself what it does or doesnt do.




    Okay, I watched the videos anyway . . . :):D :p Whatever, I was curious and they are the only one's I've seen in the past hour.

    There's not one added feature that a student/hobbyist/professional or game changer shouldn't like.

    Things like Magnetic Timeline would actually help an editor cut faster. I digress again.

    Things like Magnetic Timeline however, COULD make certain tools like trim, roll, and slip not needed. I am sure they'll be in the palette, but no more trim --> highlight --> grab and move --> deselect. You just move the clip. I'd like to see that in more detail though, the video had it cut off.

    Another example of what some may be talking about . . . Nesting and Compound clips. Nesting was nice, but terribly executed. Compound Clips ------>>>>>>> Nice!

    Apr 12, 04:20 PM
    Aside from the part about installing Mac OS on the pc, which isn't THAT far off if you have the right hardware, nothing else that he said is really that inaccurate.

    Did you not read the thread title? The op was specifically asking for people's opinions and what they don't like. And that's exactly what he stated.

    Good grief, he didn't attack your mom. Your statement here, and really the entire post is uncalled for. He is well within the subject of the thread. If you don't believe so, report him and move on. If you don't like his reasoning, perhaps you are far to pro-Mac to be able to know the difference. Chill.


    Really, the original post was totally reasonable.

    Apr 26, 12:19 PM
    As far as religion providing a good set of morals. In some cases yes, but this is completely a separate discussion and has no bearing, adds no weight to the possibility of the existence of God.

    Not all religion is about the belief in God. In Buddhism (http://http://buddhismbeliefs.org/), it doesn't matter one way or the other if God exists or not. In many ways, my thinking follows the Buddhist way. By it's very definition (http://http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/religion), atheism can be considered a religion. #2 a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
    Atheist believe in the non-existence of God; some as fervently as Christians believe in one.
    As for trying to prove or disprove the existence of God. Many men and women, much smarter and better qualified than me, have tried. All have failed. I don't bother with the impossible.;)

    Apr 8, 10:37 PM
    Real games aren't played on an iDevice. Say what you want, it's true at the moment. No need to look into the future..........cause you don't know what it holds. And if you do tell me if i'll be at work Monday please! (Gov worker)

    Govt SCUM!! (lol jk :D)