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Sunday, May 22, 2011

call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures

call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. Modern Warfare 2-Ghost
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  • BC2009
    Apr 6, 03:28 PM
    Nice...I'm glad to have a more rare piece of hardware. I love mine and have no issues, it'll only get better over time.Reminds me of the days of the RAZR, that's what the iPhone and iPad have become.

    Honda sells a TON more cars than BMW by a huge factor...I'd rather drive a BMW, I guess you're all happy with the Hondas :)

    I think its funny that when Google gains the edge in the smartphone marketshare battle the fandroids declare victory, but somehow the Xoom is the "BMW" of tablets when its marketshare sucks.

    Xoom is NOT a terrible product, but to be called the BMW of tablets would require that it is better than the iPad. This is more like Hondas and Hyundais. Android tablets are currently the Hyundais -- trying to copy the Hondas as closely as possible (Hyundai's name is close to Honda and so is there logo, and so are most of their car styles). However, what you find is that the Hyundai while it may be priced comparably and has comparable technical specifications that it is really not built as well.

    However, on the smartphone side, your analogy does in fact hold very well. Android is on high-end phones as well as the cheap freebies the carriers are giving away. There are variants of Android being used on devices that Google has no control over and behave in a far more inferior manner than regular Android phones, but are counted among the Android numbers. Android is the Chevrolet of the smartphone market (selling everything from Corvettes to Aveos) while Apple's sells only to the premier customers. People don't buy iPhone because they could not get an Android phone, but they do buy an Android phone because they could not get an iPhone for the price they wanted it. iPhone is the one that is more highly desired, though folks will settle for an Android phone because its cheaper to acquire and more widely available -- just like a Chevrolet.

    Apple creates premier products. With the iPad, they were the first of such premier products and they are experiencing what Henry Ford experienced with the Model-T. Five years from now there will be a fleet of competitors that are as good or even better, but right now iPad is the standard and the competition is basically trying their best to copy or anticipate Apple's next move.

    Ironically, the one area that Xoom got higher marks than iPad on Consumer Reports was "Versatility". This was because they had a Micro SD slot. I think its funny that a non-functioning Micro-SD slot is better than a $30 camera kit that includes two adapters that actually makes for a functioning SD-card connection or USB connection. I can connect SD cards to my iPad-2 all day long with my adapter. I also have a USB port via an adapter, HDMI, VGA, Composite Video, and Component Video. Sure it requires adapters, but at least I have the options -- they are all there. I also have better options at my disposal and only resort to wired connections when I have to (AirPlay >> HDMI -- wireless transfer >> SD card).

    In summary.... Xoom good, iPad better (both iPad 1 and definitely iPad 2). Even the idiots at Consumer Reports can figure out that the Xoom is only as good as the comparable iPad 1 (which costs far less).

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  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • easy4lif
    Nov 28, 07:22 PM
    steve jobs replied earlier this year to such nonsense

    "the music companies are trying to be greedy"

    I approve this messsage

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  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • ImAlwaysRight
    Apr 12, 09:16 AM
    Im waiting til June, if iphone 5 is delayed then i will jump to a nice android smartphone. Many people forget that cellular market has changed a lot and now competition is harder than before, there are nice alternatives, very nice ones.

    Just what do all you whiners NEED in a smartphone that you can't wait for a 3 month "delay" in release of a phone? Cracks me up.

    And if any of you actually switch, I'll bet 2 months after the release of the iPhone 5 you'll be so jealous of its superiority over your current smartphone that you'll end up coming back to Apple. Apple knows this, which is why they laugh in your face.

    Apple iPhones are everywhere. I think I saw a gal in line at the supermarket on food stamps whip out an iPhone.

    And over 95% of iPhone owners are "dumb" users. They don't visit sites like this and if they are on iPhone 3G will probably upgrade to iPhone 4 if that is all that is available in June/July. And they will be happy. They will hear a little about iPhone 5 in Sept. but won't really care. That's the pulse of the American people. Geeks on this forum are in the minority.

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. Figure: Call of Duty MW2 Ghost
  • Figure: Call of Duty MW2 Ghost

  • kavika411
    Feb 28, 08:20 PM
    According to the school's website (http://www.chc.edu/News/2011/February/statement_regarding_jim_st_george/), he was not fired as the OP's article suggests. Rather, his contract was not renewed. AFAIK, adjunct instructors do not enjoy the same privileges as tenured professors. If his contract ran out and was simply not renewed, then that's that, unless it can be argued that the college has some legal obligation to offer a new contract.

    But threads like this are above further research. Not sure why you'd want to mess up a perfectly good party.

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. #39;Modern Warfare 2: GHOST#39;
  • #39;Modern Warfare 2: GHOST#39;

  • BornAgainMac
    Aug 17, 09:39 AM
    I don't like Adobe anymore. :mad:

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. call of duty modern warfare 2
  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • bedifferent
    Apr 11, 01:14 PM
    iMovie on Mac or iOS are not about creating a movie for a paying customer. They are all about sharing your personal moments with those who are more or less interested about it. FCP is all about putting food on the table, selling the story to those who have never heard about it. Its all about art of story telling.

    Exactly. Apple has been neglecting its professional products since the iPhone and iOS release, and focusing on consumer level products. A lot of people on MacRumors are new to Mac/Apple. For those of us who have used Mac's for 10+ years, mostly for work, we have become weary of the direction the company is taking for US, not for the average Joe. FCP was a standard at the time, for less than its competitors it offered a great GUI at a reasonable price point. The hardware and software are business investments.

    As for the sarcastic comment regarding someone not leaving Apple now before FCP is released, it's because leaving is a huge decision. We have lots of money, time and equipment invested in our work. It's not as simple as dropping everything you have used for many, many years and investing and training yourself for another platform.

    Sorry, but I am tired of the new users brought in from iPhone's and iPods and MacBook's getting snarky with the professionals who carried Apple through tough times and rely on Apple's professional line for our work. First the dedicated ACD's are neglected and replaced with ONE 27" LED LCD panel from the 27" iMac, OS X Lion is morphing into an iOS GUI, the Xeon Server processors in the Mac Pro line that replaced the affordable PowerMac G4/5's are over priced and over powered for some of our needs, Xserve was dropped not due to less sales but less marketing and development due to Apple's focus on iDevices, less OS X development such as Resolution Independence, 64-bit implementation, TRIM support for third party Sandforce SSD's, and so on. Heck, even professional such as Annie Leibovitz has left Apple due its lack of professional level products over the past four years.

    There's much more to Apple than iDevices, as great as they may be. iMac's, iPads, MacBooks - they don't replace the systems Apple has left that are necessary for our work.

    *and before anyone states that Apple has made billions on iDevices and iOS, they certainly can take a small amount of that cash reserve and reinvest it into a much needed market, such as a mid-level tower that fits between the top level iMac and entry level Mac Pro for those of us who need 5+ tower's but now can't afford them since the Intel transition. Apple could easily restructure their professional focus with new project managers to give a much needed refresh of their high end niche, and they could easily make a profit from that market. They created/restructured a niche market with iDevices and made a killing, why not with their professional end products? There are thousands if not more of us who would gladly pony up and stick with Apple.

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. call of duty modern warfare 2
  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • merk850
    Jul 28, 03:01 PM
    I am a new Mac owner. I just bought my new 20 " iMac and I am learing aout the upcomming conference and possible new product releases. I
    Would appreciate any thoughts on my question.

    I am considering returning the new 20" I just bought in the 14 day period and taking the 10% hit and waitning to see if the iMac gets updated and I will repurchase. What is the likelyhood that the version I have will be updated. I would be bummed if I just bought it and I am at the end of a cycle. The $160 fee would actuallly be worth it to me to get thte latest. I would have to return it prior to the conference to stay within the 14 days but i may not want to loose out on lthe chance to get the latest.

    Any thoughts on this 20 " model be increased with a new processor??


    New Mac owner.....

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. call of duty modern warfare 2
  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • bigandy
    Jul 20, 09:18 AM
    yeah i have a suspicion they were pushed for Apple's intel power macs.

    it just feels like it.

    a tingling in my.... er.... um.... let's say "eyelid". ;) :rolleyes:

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. call of duty modern warfare 2
  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • yac_moda
    Jul 21, 12:39 PM
    Get with the program you guys ...

    ... start think the way APPLE think :eek:

    Apple will NOT release such a HIGH END MACchine without spotlighting a use :eek: :eek:

    Such a most excellent MACchine would be released with Bluray and the computing power would be used to burn to ALL THAT SPACE in human as opposed to GEOLOGICAL time spans :eek: :eek: :eek:

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • wmmk
    Jul 14, 06:27 PM
    Heck you could have 1.5TB with the new Seagate 750GB drives!
    dang, I didn't know those existed!

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. Ghost (Call Of duty Modern
  • Ghost (Call Of duty Modern

  • rdowns
    Mar 24, 01:07 PM
    Oh. So when a person criticizes Obama for keeping us in Afghanistan, Iraq, and/or Libya, just level an accusation of racism.

    Got it.

    That's not what I said at all but feel free to parse things as you see fit.

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. call of duty modern warfare 2
  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 1, 09:25 AM
    Good to hear. Can we now assume you support marriage rights for gay people?
    Lee, you should already know my answer to that question. It's an emphatic "no." Nor do I support the gay rights movement.

    I don't tell others what to do, but that doesn't mean I think it's all right for them do everything they want to do. I'll share my opinions with others if they're willing to hear them. I don't want to control anyone, and I will not be a codependent caregiver. I refuse to protect others from negative consequences when they need to learn from them.

    My parents, especially my Mom, hated to see me do some foolish things when I was a boy. They let me walk the half mile to the steakhouse when they knew that I probably would have been too tired to walk back home. They let me stand outdoors in the winter when I tried to run away from home in the winter. The front porch was too icy for me to stand on, so I couldn't walk down the steps.

    I believe that people with same-sex attractions are endangering themselves at least physically when they have sex with each other. So I'll post a link to some evidence for my opinion (http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/homosexuality/ho0075.html). Notice, the document's author is a medical doctor.

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. call of duty modern warfare 2
  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 3, 02:56 PM
    I'm think i'm a 15 A-spec, and i just started B-spec to save up money for the Ferrari and Lambo races in the Pro series. I've only done a few spec events, but i've got all gold in B and A licenses as well as 9/10 gold (one silver) in I-C license.

    I find the license tests to be more fun now that they arent mandatory. They seem easier too. In GT4 it was work just to pass some of them, but in GT5 i find that i always get silver or bronze on my first attempt. Gold is a bit of work sometimes though.

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. call of duty modern warfare 2
  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • backdraft
    Aug 26, 02:49 PM
    Call it what you want but these new MacBooks are crap. Yea there is people who are enjoying theirs without a hitch but look at all the reports of problems. Not once on this forum have we had a flood of problems with a single unit. Apple dropped the ball on this one. Poorly made unit

    Apple is now getting their parts from the same bin that PC makers use. Intel = cheap parts. Cheap parts = low quality.

    Same thing with the batteries....

    OS X can run on PPC and X86. Apple should target X86 to consumers and PPC for pro's.

    That $100 million that Apple just wasted on Creative could have meant new supercooled mobile G5's if it would have been pumped into IBM (Power.org). Instead we have these halfbaked Wintel parts to deal with MUCH fewer problems with PowerPC based Mac's.



    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. Modern Warfare 2#39;s Ghost
  • Modern Warfare 2#39;s Ghost

  • rezenclowd3
    Dec 8, 01:37 PM
    {Feelings/ Thoughts on Damage}

    Coolio, I believe you. I haven't played much single player since the day it was released, actually haven't played much GT5 at all as I have been so very dissapointed... Been playing Nascar online though. I should be very ashamed. However it seems that people online FOR THE MOST PART can handle turning in one direction cleanly....

    Anyone notice that the last 1/4" inch of travel using the triggers on the PS3 controller is not used. It ramps to max throttle far before one is there. ALSO in this day and age, one should be able to adjust endpoints and ramping on triggers and sticks. Ugh. I should stop being used to my $500 RC car and helicopter transmitters.:cool:

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. call of duty modern warfare 2
  • call of duty modern warfare 2

  • balamw
    Aug 7, 06:39 PM
    Norton's GoBack, which was purchased from some other company
    Yeah, I recommended GoBack to a number of users back in the day (I think it was Adaptec that owned it at one point). No-one seemed to like it at the time.

    As I and others reminisce it's a feature that has been around for well over 20 years in VMS. It's only relatively new to personal computers.


    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. Thanks to Modern Warfare 2#39;s
  • Thanks to Modern Warfare 2#39;s

  • mdelvecchio
    Mar 31, 03:56 PM
    Keep in mind that Google tightening up Android and forcing handset makers to adhere to certain guidelines is primarily a problem for the *handset makers* and carriers--but not consumers.

    not when Google blocks handset makers from releasing innovations that would be good for consumers but bad for google. they may have tried to do such strong-arming -- a geo-services company claims it was shut-out by the makers due to google not wanting makers to license optional alternatives to google services.

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  • call of duty 4 modern warfare

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 20, 08:32 AM
    Samsung has no honor.

    It seems their problem is that they had access to Apple's design and so were able to copy more closely than is usually the case with Apple competitors.

    call of duty modern warfare 2 ghost pictures. Modern Warfare 2: Ghost
  • Modern Warfare 2: Ghost

  • ergle2
    Sep 13, 01:58 PM
    The only limit with Windows is they keep the low end XP home to 2 processors on the same die. There is probably an architectural limit on both OSX and XP and if it's not 8 it's 16. It's probably 8.

    There's a bunch of HP Superdome 64-way Itanium systems around running Windows Server mostly for MS SQL work.

    Windows XP 64bit is based on the same core. Given the license is per-socket, not per-processor (currently, anyway) and the Pro editions support two sockets, it should in theory support the 8-way setup as described by Anandtech.

    Whether it recognises quad-core CPUs as such may of course be a different matter.

    Apr 8, 08:32 PM
    But Intel did not force Apple to use Intel's IGP, Apple could have added separate graphics chipset just as they did with the MBP. Which wouldn't really make sense on an MBA IMO.

    If I didn't already have an MBA and had the option between the current crop and the SB variant, I'd pick the SB without thinking twice about it and I doubt i'm in the minority.

    Apr 11, 01:04 PM
    You guys really believe this? We all know the Iphone 5 will basically have the guts of the Ipad 2...so all the componets are ready...it will be out this summer. These rumors are just to keep Android and Microsoft not knowing.

    Ipad in the spring
    Iphone in the summer
    Itouch\AppleTV\IPODs in the fall

    Its like that and it will always be...it works for apple.

    Apr 28, 11:14 AM
    I heard if you take Obama's long form birth certificate and fold just the right way, you can see the twin towers collapsing..OMG!

    BReaking News! White House releases longer whiteish birth certificate:


    Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 6, 10:24 PM
    And you obvioulsy don't understand what a GPGPU API is for. What good is running code through an API whose purpose is to offload your CPU by using ... your CPU.

    See, that is exactly not the purpose of OpenCL. OpenCL can also use specialized DSPs, if someone writes a compiler for them. OpenCL is GPU-independent, which is a problem, if you want to optimize your OpenCL-code for a specific GPU.

    If you really need the power of a GPU you could use CUDA and/or STREAM (the standards in the past 4 years). Most computer science labs use CUDA. No one needs OpenCL at the moment, because the solutions which work are based on CUDA and/or STREAM, not OpenCL.

    This will change a bit in the next ten years, but the hardware-dependent languages CUDA/STREAM will never be replaced by OpenCL, at least not for high performance applications, which require direct GPU-access.

    OpenCL is like C, you can use on CPUs, GPUs and DSPs.

    Aug 26, 08:28 PM
    On the day that the MBP's with merom go on sale, I wonder WHAT TIME Apples website will change and display the new products? :confused:
    Probebly 10:00AM - 11:00AM Pacific time.